英语人>词典>汉英 : 现役 的英文翻译,例句
现役 的英文翻译、例句


active duty · active service · on active duty · on active service · with the colours
更多网络例句与现役相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have a link with game of football of match of active service player till the activity, a Jiao just regains position gradually, absorbedly inquiry aside the operation method of staff member game, she returns from time to time close lightly mouth to repent to lose shoot good chance, and the spot has close song early to confuse the whistle with take out precondition good to cheer boost the morale of for its, occasion a bit a no less than real football games.


The natural frequency, amplitude of equivalent acceleration and equivalent exposure time of two platforms are determined according to the ISO standard.


Service members must be on active duty at the time for direct participation.


In 2002, I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the War on Terrorism.


I am an officer in the Argentinean Air Force, still on active duty.


The threat of antiship missile against surface ships and the limitation of antimissile defensive systems of the surface ships being in service are analysed.


Creep properties of BB503 steel, STE355 steel and SM41CN steel are studied by creep test. With the creep test data the surplus-life prediction of BOF shell has been completed by using"θ-Concept Project"method.


Every citizen have the obligation to perform military service in accordance with law, extended active duty at least five years of compulsory, according to military needs and offered himself voluntarily can be changed to volunteers, to continue active duty; out of active duty soldiers and officers and all other citizens of the conditions of military service in the reserve under the age of intake into the body; militia group is the country's armed forces as part of the reserve officer is the basic organizational form.


In order to discuss the possibility of torpedo(diameter: 534 mm) swim-out launching by the submarine torpedo tube in service, an interior trajectory model was set up in consideration of different resistances and the fact that the area ratio of the circular clearance cross-section of torpedo tube in service to the torpedo cross-section is small. The pressure difference of seawater compensation was defined and added to the model as a resistance parameter, and the launching process was analyzed.


To participate in the PLA's active duty, there is no register for military service of citizens on active duty and reserve service or a series of reserve forces who participate in militias, as well as students to receive military training, are all fulfilling military service obligations. December 29, 1998 The 9th National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted the 6th meeting, on revising the "military service" decision, the revised Law on Military Service provides:"The People's Republic of China compulsory service and volunteer combined combination of the militia and reserve military service system."


更多网络解释与现役相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

active duty:现役

active day 扰日 | active duty 现役 | active earth pressure 主动土压力

active duty:现役职务

action to be taken 公事待办 | active duty 现役职务 | active leave balance 假期总额

active duty commitment:服现役

active defense 积极防御 | active duty commitment 服现役 | active duty service commitment 服现役

active duty commission:服现役

active duty 现役 | active duty commission 服现役 | active intent 积极故意

active duty for training:现役训练

active duty 现役 | active duty for training 现役训练 | Active Guard and Reserve 国民警卫队和后备役部队现役成员

active duty service commitment:服现役

active duty commitment 服现役 | active duty service commitment 服现役 | active duty 现役

Active Link:现役无线电传送线路

Active Line 现役传送线 | active link 现役无线电传送线路 | active link type 现用的链接型别

active list:现役军人名册

在1915年时,夏悫曾一度想另选事业,所以申报到复员军人名册(retired list);但未几在1916年5月,他却重新申报到现役军人名册(active list),再次成为现役军人,并继续在第一次世界大战服役.

active list:现役名单

active infrared tracking system 主动红外跟踪系统 active life 使用期限 | active list 现役名单 | active military service 现役

active air fleet:现役航空兵部队

active air defense 积极防空 | active air fleet 现役航空兵部队 | active aircraft inventory 现役作战飞机总数