英语人>词典>汉英 : 现代化者 的英文翻译,例句
现代化者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After all, it became organizer of economic modernization, participant of political democratization, advancer of city modernization and important part of social control.


I am sure that, without modern weapons, I would make a very poor show of disputingthe ownership of a cave with a bear, and in this I do not think that I stand alone.


I'm really sure that I would be do a lot of stupid things to compete to get a cave with bear; Of course, not only me would be so stupid.


I am sure that , without modern weapons , I would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear , and in this I do not think that I stand alone .


As far as I am concerned, I would play as a joke if I fight against a bear for his cave without the advanced weapons. And majority people would agree with my thought.


The distinction may not be the most consequential aspect of the Dushu affair. The suspicion that neo-liberal unhappiness with Dushu's "new left" orientation had something to do with the dismissal is plausible, even though there may have been no direct neo-liberal machination.


But he won the Tory leadership in 2005 after pitching himself as a modernizer who would 'switch on a whole new generation' and broaden the party's reach.


The person who holds this kind of view will often equate modernization with Occidentalizing (the modern new the Confucian schools will mostly hold this view).


A week ago, you were the great moderniser, making speeches about the people's princess.


In Russian history, it is Peter the Great and Stalin who are considered the great modernisers rather than Alexander II, who abolished serfdom, or Mr Gorbachev, who opened up the country.


更多网络解释与现代化者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a TV set:电视机

如果教者能帮助学生装上想象的翅膀"墙上配置一些插座(some wall sockets),房间里放置一些现代化的设备:冰箱(refrigeration)、洗涤机(dishwasher)、电子钟(an electric clock)以及吸尘器(a vacuum cleaner)、电视机(a TV set)等等,如此一来,在我们想象的空间中,

sweeping graves:扫墓

capitalist roader走资派/走资本注意路线者 | sweeping graves扫墓 | Four Modernizations四个现代化


例如,对于一座空荡荡的房子,如果教者能帮助学生装上想象的翅膀"墙上配置一些插座(some wall sockets),房间里放置一些现代化的设备:冰箱(refrigeration)、洗涤机(dishwasher)、电子钟(an electric clock)以及吸尘器(a vacuum cleaner)、电视机(a TV set)等等,


"我们仍然拥有三分之一的世界电网,"理查德森(Richardson)先生说,重复着他曾说过好几次的评论. "联邦政府不进行投资,也不去制定好的监管机制,除了钻探和矿物燃料外,他们基本上是在后座担当着观望者的角色,电网没有得到现代化,