英语人>词典>汉英 : 环形物 的英文翻译,例句
环形物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ring  ·  rings

更多网络例句与环形物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Congregation obtained after chitosan k and a treatments showed more tightness than sediments obtained without chitosan treatment, sediments after chitosan b and c treatments were network in structure. Mixed systems of pectin, protein and polyphenol were applied for studying a simulated system of kiwifruit juice. It was shown that the aggregates of pectin molecules in pectin solution were dispersing tubular globules. Particles in mixed solution of pectin and bovine serum albumin had two states: one was circular in photo, the other contained single particle or aggregates of several particles. Pectin decreased the interaction between protein and polyphenol and strengthened the stability of mixed solution of pectin, protein and polyphenol. Chitosan flocculated mixed solution of pectin, protein and polyphenol, and the floccule was white, having a network structure.


The pommel is of the "L" shape.


The edge character of the reference surface is obtained by machine vision method and the coordinates of tangency points on the horizontal and vertical direction are found.


This is evidenced by narrow tree ring patterns of past passages of planet X.


According to the Tams1 gene of bovine Theileria annulata published on GenBank, two pairs of primers were successfully designed to develop nested PCR assay for detecting the disease caused by bovine Theileria annulata.


These bone articles of fine craftsmanship included shovels, needles , chisels , knives and rings. Some of them are decorated with teeth-like patterns.


"Thymine: Organic compound of the pyrimidine family, often called a Base, consisting of a ring containing Both nitrogen and carbon atoms, and a methyl group."


The main motor drive at full speed rotating drum, material feed tube in a row by the introduction of uniform distribution of Drum to the inside wall filter above, in the role of the centrifugal force, the liquid through the filter and drum-wall drum filter exhaust hole, Case liquid discharge pipe machine, solid-phase interception in the material inside the drum to form a circular cake layer.


Results: After cryofixation,basement membranes of skeletal muscle consisted of only one electron dense layer, T tubules were round, core cylinders were observed in terminal cisternae and there were thread-like protein particles on the membranes of terminal cisternae.


Lacy breakers lap the coral reef that rings Bora-Bora, an ancient sunken volcano 165 miles (266 kilometers) northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia's Society Islands.

花边状的浪花一圈珊瑚礁的环形物宝来,宝来,一个古老的沉没的火山165英里( 266公里)在塔希提岛西北的法属波利尼西亚的社会群岛。

更多网络解释与环形物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


annular wheel 内齿轮 | annular 环形的 | annulation 环;环形物;环的形成


annular 环形的 | annulation 环;环形物;环的形成 | annulet 小环;轮缘;圆箍线


annulation 环;环形物;环的形成 | annulet 小环;轮缘;圆箍线 | annuli annulus的复数

ring circuit:回路

ring环, 环形物, 环状, 铃声, 声调, 打电话 | ring circuit回路 | ring spanner环形扳子


priest 教士,牧师,神父 | three-storeyed 三层楼的 | ring 环形物(如环、圈等)

Pyloric Stenosis:幽门狭窄

幽门狭窄(pyloric stenosis) 系幽门的环形肌肥厚而导致幽门狭窄,常造成不全梗阻. 吐奶和饥饿是常见的表现,且可在右上腹扪及块物.

a ulling a claim:使索赔无效

a ular 环形的 | a ulling a claim 使索赔无效 | a ulus 环形物,环形套管

annulling a claim:使索赔无效

annular 环形的 | annulling a claim 使索赔无效 | annulus 环形物,环形套管


然而,图森(Tucson)亚利桑那大学的行星科学家杰伊迈罗氏(Jay Melosh)认为,这个有关被并覆盖的卫星上的新发现没有适当考虑被碰撞撞出去的物质. 当这些被撞到环形坑边上的残余物稳定下来,那么可能会平衡任何不稳定,以系数5来使得旋转减小.