英语人>词典>汉英 : 王室成员 的英文翻译,例句
王室成员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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So it was no shock to the Norwegian royals when Princess Martha, 32, announced her engagement to former playboy Behn, an author.


The most expensive trip taken by a member of the royal family was a charter flight taken by Charles and his wife Camilla to the Gulf region of the Middle East and Bosnia which cost 345,710 pounds.


Of course, a royal engagement and wedding will be big business for the firms that churn out memorablia.


The Seljuk invasion of Armenia was followed by an exodus of Armenians southwards, and in 1080, Ruben, a relative of the last king of Ani, founded in the heart of the Cilician Taurus a small principality, which gradually expanded into the kingdom of Lesser Armenia or Armenia Minor.

卢比尼王朝,公元 1180 夏塞尔柱王朝的入侵令大批亚美尼亚人南迁,公元1080年,已灭亡的巴格拉东王朝王室成员卢本进入西里西亚山脉腹地,在此建立小型公国,并逐渐发展成控制下亚美尼亚地区的强大王国。

But the result on the BuckinghamPalace balcony was undoubtedly one of general hilarity - to all but the Queen.


Household troops of the Tsar, these are formidable, well armoured elite Eastern European heavy cavalry.


Christianity has always wanted to make inroads into Tibet. The earliest attempt was in 1624, when several Portuguese missionaries set out from Goa, and they went first to what is now Zhada County in the Ngari region. They obtained support from the Guge King, established a church, baptized members of the royal court and took some followers, but because the lamas strongly opposed it, and even sent the Ladwags army to capture the royal court, the missionaries had to give up on their plans of developing Christianity as a major religion there. Afterwards, there were many missionaries who entered Tibet to proselytize, but virtually none of them were successful.


Although Yamani was only a commoner in the Kingdom, some members of the royal family had begun to recognize the contribution such a technocrat could make to the Saudi government.

尽管在阿拉伯王室中 Yamani 只是一介平民,但一些王室成员开始认可他在沙特政府中的技术性的贡献。

So the sexual, social and financial shenanigans of the past two decades, floodlit by a prurient and deference-be-damned press, strained her relationship with the younger royals.


She is one of several cabinet members (I would probably include Ed Balls, Ed Miliband, David Miliband, James Purnell, Alan Johnson and the newly crowned dishiest of them all – according to a recent poll – Andy Burnham) who think they might throw their hat into the ring as and when Brown departs.


更多网络解释与王室成员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Look at that:看看

Good to see you.|很高兴见到你 | Look at that.|看看 | All night long people have|been treating us like royalty.|整晚人们都把我们当作王室成员

royal highness:殿下

地位仅次于享有"殿下"(Royal Highness)尊称的英国王室成员. 同日,爱德华七世宣布其女,路易丝公主(Princess Louise)为"长公主". 乔治五世在1919年2月25日的王室许可证中允许维多利亚女王的孙女康诺特的帕特丽霞公主(Princess Patricia of Connaught)在与英国海军司令官,

royal highness:王室成员

王旗/Queen's colour; royal standard | 王室成员/Royal Highness | 王室法律顾问/inner bar


由于王室的眷顾,洛艾维(Loewe) 的客户与日俱增,迄今仍有许多王室成员特别向 洛艾维(Loewe) 订制皮革用品系列. 洛艾维(Loewe) 从此和贵气、奢华等形容词结下了不解之缘.


最近几年, 狗仔队 都会守候在王室私人度假地--诺福克郡(Norfolk)的桑德灵厄姆大宅(Sandringham House)外,等待拍摄王室成员度假的照片. BBC王室事务记者彼德.亨特(Peter Hunt)表示,女王透过律师呼吁报纸尊重她的隐私权,

royal family:王室

另在议案(bill2)条中对它在英美两国如何成为法律(law)的程序作了较详细的介绍;在橄榄枝(olive branch)条中就嘴衔橄榄枝的鸽子如何成了和平的象征作了介绍;在英国王室(royal family)条中,对王室一些成员,

to airlift the royal family to safety:将王室成员送到安全地点

An elite RAF search-and-rescue team has been deployed by helicopter... | ...to airlift the royal family to safety.|将王室成员送到安全地点 | Yeah, you think they'll come get us? - Not likely.|-他们会来救...


意大利前萨沃伊(Savoy)王朝的埃曼纽勒.弗里伯托王子几年前甚至都无权回到自己的祖国. 二战时期,因为祖父支持墨索里尼杀害犹太人,萨沃伊王室被废黜,全体成员流亡海外. 意大利宪法规定,禁止萨沃伊王室成员回国. 无论如何,

Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales:王室赤足女子修道院

再从托里哈街左转走到赤足广场(Plaza de las Descalzas),广场上有一座建于十六世纪的王室赤足女子修道院(Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales),过去曾经是皇室女性成员的住所,这些女性成员进入修道院从事艺方面的工作,因而为她们带来豐厚的嫁妆,

inner bar:王室法律顾问

王室成员/Royal Highness | 王室法律顾问/inner bar | 王室禁卫军/household troops