英语人>词典>汉英 : 玉米棒子 的英文翻译,例句
玉米棒子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

maize cob · corn cob
更多网络例句与玉米棒子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This immortal ditty appeared in John Brophy and Eric Partridge,'Songs and Slang of the British Soldier: 1914-1918,' 1930, and has been preserved in 'The Long Trail,' lamentably out of print in Britain, but to be reprinted in the US.


Many people like to eat sweet corn on on the cob .


You can also use a sharp knife, hold the cob vertically and cut downward.


After that incident , we bought our corn cobs from the supermarkets .


I am just carrying corn cobs today but I can transport goods weighing 300 kgs on my crossbar.


I love the slight sweetness the corn cobs gave to the broth .


The plants matured, and cobs began to grow and mature.


Research is being conducted on turning cellulosic waste such as corn stalks, corn cobs and algae or energy crops like switchgrass into viable sources of energy.


As the cobs of maize matured, it pleased the youth to note that the silky tassels that were found on one end of the cobs were the same golden colour as his friends hair had been.


And Miaotia was not the kind of place were people would stand on ceremony; it is a sleepy village where drying corn cobs hang from the eaves of old wooden homes and the paths are lined with scavenged slabs and broken millstones.


更多网络解释与玉米棒子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big bloke:可卡因

可供蒸食的玉米棒子/roasting ear | 可卡因/big bloke | 可靠的朋友/fast friend

maize cob:玉米棒子 (美作:corn cob)

maize 玉米 (美作:corn) | maize cob 玉米棒子 (美作:corn cob) | rice 稻

maize cob:玉米棒子

maize 玉米 | maize cob 玉米棒子 | maize common smut 玉米瘤黑穗病

daily bread:挣钱养家的人

征求异性朋友的人/lonely hearts | 挣钱养家的人/daily bread | 蒸过的玉米棒子/roasting ear

defensible position:可防御的据点

可抵税的公债/tax bond | 可防御的据点/defensible position | 可供蒸食的玉米棒子/roasting ear

cross index:交叉索引[美国生物学文摘的一种索引]

cross-incompatibility 杂交不亲合性 | Cross Index 交叉索引[美国生物学文摘的一种索引] | crushed ear corn 压碎玉米 [将玉米棒子连芯压碎,作饲料用]

roasting ear:可供蒸食的玉米棒子

可防御的据点/defensible position | 可供蒸食的玉米棒子/roasting ear | 可卡因/big bloke

roasting ear:烤过的玉米棒子

拷贝纸/second sheet | 烤过的玉米棒子/roasting ear | 烤全鸭/whole roast duck

roasting ear:蒸过的玉米棒子

挣钱养家的人/daily bread | 蒸过的玉米棒子/roasting ear | 整形外科医生/plastic surgeon

roasting ear:玉米棒子

雨天/rainy day | 玉米棒子/roasting ear | 玉米粉/Indian meal