英语人>词典>汉英 : 献祭的 的英文翻译,例句
献祭的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与献祭的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Naked, except for the skins of goats that had been sacrificed that day, they would strike women they met on the hands with strips of sacrificial goatskin to promote fertility.


Improved Immolate: Now increases the damage done by your Immolate by 10/20/30%, rather than just the direct damage.


Immolate: The damage-over-time component of this spell can now produce critical strikes.


When we read about the sacrifices in the book of Leviticus, we must understand two things: the position of God, and the position of the offer/worshipper.

提要 当我们读利未记有关献祭的事时,我们必须了解两件事:上帝的地位以及献祭者的地位。

So, in offering the animal the offerer identified with the animal He said by offering an animal-'I recognise that my sin deserves death, and that what is happening to this animal is really what I deserve to be done to me'.


As the good is, so also is the sinner: as the perjured, so he also that sweareth truth.


What was a "sin offering" supposed to mean to the person offering it ?


All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclea to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sier; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

9:2 凡临到众人的事,都是一样。义人和恶人,都遭遇一样的事。好人,洁净人和不洁净人,献祭的与不献祭的,也是一样。好人如何,罪人也如何。起誓的如何,怕起誓的也如何。

God favor this offering because this is the blood of sacrifice which made the sins of mankind forgiven.


When Christ was crucified, the inner veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom, signifying that the great final sacrifice had been made, and that the system of sacrificial offerings was forever at an end.{DA 165.4


更多网络解释与献祭的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Charmed Silver:神往银牌:增加所有抗性,回复生命并提高恢复效果,献祭银牌的增强版

Cast Iron 精炼铁石 :增加护甲防御等级,增加负重.... | Charmed Silver 神往银牌:增加所有抗性,回复生命并提高恢复效果,献祭银牌的增强版. | Dark Obsidian 黑暗符文:增加诅咒魔法等级,并有机会在战斗时让目标被缓慢...


immortal 不朽的 mortal 凡人,必死的 | immoral 不道德的 | immolate 牺牲献祭


献祭(Immolation): 让恶魔猎手包在一团火中,伤害附近的敌方单位. 魔法值耗尽时,这个技能自动结束. (快捷键 "L"). 闪避(被动技能): 让恶魔猎手有一定的机率回避敌方攻击. 变身(Me口口orphosis)(终极魔法: 让恶魔猎手变身成为一个强大的恶魔,

Immolation Trap:献祭陷阱

生的效果暗夜降临(Nightfall)所产生的效果恶魔牺牲(Demonic Sacrifice)所产生的效果爆炸陷阱(Explosive Trap)所产生的效果冻结陷阱(Freezing Trap)所产生的效果冰霜陷阱(Frost Trap)所产生的效果献祭陷阱(Immolation Trap)所产生的效果

FormID: 0003CD01 EnchElvenClaymoreImmolator WEAP Immolator:献祭的双刃大砍刀

FormID: 0003CCFF EnchDwarvenBattleAxeHazards WEAP Axe of Ha... | FormID: 0003CD01 EnchElvenClaymoreImmolator WEAP Immolator献祭的双刃大砍刀 | FormID: 0003CD02 EnchGlassShortswordWounding WEAP Sword of ...


sacrificial 牺牲的 | sacrificial 献祭的 | sacrificial 具有牺牲性的

Sanctified Silver:献祭银牌:增加所有抗性,神往银牌的削弱版

Sacrificial Stone 献祭之石:增加咒语系的掌握能力. | Sanctified Silver 献祭银牌:增加所有抗性,神往银牌的削弱版. | Serpentine 蛇纹石:增加炼金术技能等级,增强毒性伤害.


grid 电网 | immolated 献祭的 | copious 大量的

There were no joyful worshipers:那里没有欢乐的献祭者

I knew something must be wrong, 我发觉一定有些事出错了, | There were no joyful worshipers, 那里没有欢乐的献祭者, | No joyful worship songs, 那里没有欢乐崇拜的歌声,

There were no joyful worshipers there:这儿既没有兴高采烈的献祭者

I knew something must be wrong, 我感觉到处都有些不对劲. | There were no joyful worshipers there, 这儿既没有兴高采烈的献祭者, | No joyful worship songs, 也没有欢快悠扬的敬拜歌声.