英语人>词典>汉英 : 狭长的一条 的英文翻译,例句
狭长的一条 的英文翻译、例句


a strip of
更多网络例句与狭长的一条相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In North America, one currently runs through the panhandle of Florida up to the Great Lakes and into the Arctic Ocean.


They don't trust me, either." Anakin's mouth compressed to a thin bitter line."They'll give me a chair in the Council Chamber, but that's as far as it will go.


It lies by a small river called River Skell and is almost hidden away in a wooded valley.


It is a long narrow swale between two ranges of mountains, and the Salinas River winds and twists up the center until it falls at last into Monterey Bay.


The resort occupies the swathe of land nearest the sea, which is transformed by the creation of crescent-shaped lagoon.


You can only enter the cave by inching through a narrow tunnel on your stomach.


They don't trust me, either." Anakin's mouth compressed to a thin bitter line."They'll give me a chair in the Council Chamber, but that's as far as it will go.


Soothed by the peace of my journey,Ihad lost all count of time but eventually I became aware that the boat was gliding slowly towards the either side by heaped granite boulders...


Weishan Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Northern China with an area of 1266 sq. km. It looks like a jade waistbelt spanning the Shandong-Jiangsu border, it's east bank in Shandong's Weishan County, it's southwest bank in Jiangsu's Pei and Tongshan Counties.


Its main oceanfront street is lined with timber-frame buildings; a tall-masted sailing ship bobs in the harbor; coconut palms sway to either side of the central banyan tree; surfers swirl into the thin fringe of beach to the south; and the mountains of West Maui dominate the skyline, ringed as often as not by beautiful rainbows.

它的一条面向大洋的主街道两旁排列着木结构的建筑,一艘高大桅杆的帆船在港口飘浮着,椰树在榕树的周围摇摆着,冲浪者向环形的狭长海滩的南边旋风般地冲去,山脉勾勒出了West Maui天空的轮廓,往往有美丽的彩虹将山脉圈起来。

更多网络解释与狭长的一条相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


日全食(total solar eclipse)相对罕见(rare),是一种壮观的(spectacular)自然现象(natural phenomenon). 全食的时间(totality)也只有几分钟,并且只能在月球本影(umbra)在地球上形成的一条狭长走廊(corridor)内才能看到.


世界上最特殊的古城之一彼特拉(Petra)位于此山区,是从崖壁上建凿出来的城市,只能由一条狭长的通道进入,称细克(Sik). 在约但西边,有一排通称为巴勒斯坦本土的脊骨,这是由三块连续山区所组成. 北边山区是加利利,