英语人>词典>汉英 : 犹太人的赎罪日 的英文翻译,例句
犹太人的赎罪日 的英文翻译、例句


Yom Kippur
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Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, is celebrated in early fall on Tishri 10 of the Jewish calendar, 10 days after Rosh Hashanah, the New Year.

赎罪日,犹太人的赎罪日,是庆祝在初秋就提斯利10犹太历法, 10天之后,信徒hashanah ,新的一年。

Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,"阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲," 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

One of Friedman's favorite passages is the "Book of Jonah," which, in the Jewish faith, is read each year on Yom Kippur.


Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most solemn and

Yom Kippur是犹太人的赎罪日

The other great festival is that of Azha, borrowed with modifications from the Jewish Day of Atonement.

另一个重大的节日,是强调azha ,借来的,与变通,从犹太人的赎罪日

Very significant, as showing a deep-rooted desire for some form of atoning sacrifice, is the custom-known already in the time of the Geonim, and found in Asia and Africa (see Benjamin II.,"Acht Yahre in Asien und Africa," 1858, p. 273), as well as in Europe (Asheri Yoma viii. 23; Mazor Vitry, p. 339; Kol Bo lxviii.; Shulan 'Aruk, Ora ayyim, 605), though disapproved by Namanides, Solomon ben Adret, and Joseph Caro-of swinging over one's head, on or before the eve of Atonement Day, a fowl, usually a rooster or hen; solemnly pronouncing the same to be a vicarious sacrifice to be killed in place of the Jew or Jewess who might be guilty of death by his or her sin.

非常重要,因为显示一个根深蒂固的愿望,为某种形式的atoning牺牲,是定制众所周知,已在时间的geonim ,并发现,在亚洲和非洲(见本杰明二,&阿赫特yahre在asien und非洲,& 1858年,第273页),以及在欧洲(阿舍里yoma八, 23岁; mazor vitry ,第339名; Kol公报lxviii ; shulan ' aruk , ora ayyim , 605 ),虽然不赞成namanides ,索罗门贲adret和约瑟夫卡罗( ur ora ayyim ,立法会)-摆动超过一个人的头部,或以前前夕的赎罪日,禽,通常是公鸡还是母鸡;庄严宣告了同样是一个替代牺牲被杀害到位对犹太人或jewess那些可能犯的死刑,他或她的罪过。

Do you know what Jews do on the Day of Atonement, that you think is so sacred to them?


Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most solemn and

Yom Kippur是犹太人的赎罪日。这一天,以色列全国,包括军队在内

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most solemn andstrictly observed day in the Jewish calendar.

&赎罪日之战&--Yom Kippur WarYom Kippur是犹太人的赎罪日

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most solemn and strictly observed day in the Jewish calendar.

Yom Kippur是犹太人的赎罪日

更多网络解释与犹太人的赎罪日相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"为此,犹太教特别看重赎罪,"赎罪"(atone)一词的本意就是人们接受上帝的审判. 犹太人一年一度的赎罪日(YomKippur),允许犹太人将自我道德评价的里程表拨回到零. 赎罪日后上帝将再次接受我们,我们就可以像翻转一片新叶一样重新开始一种全新的生活.

neurotic atrophy:神经性肌萎缩

Yom Kippur 犹太人的赎罪日 | neurotic atrophy 神经性肌萎缩 | receipt of licence clause 收到许可证条款


在拉丁文里,神圣(holiness)这个词的主要意思是独一无二(uniqueness). 只有是独一无二的,才能使事物独一无二. 无独有偶的仍然是俗,只有独一无二的才是圣. 赎罪日的当天,许多犹太人携老扶幼,成帮结伙来到哭墙下禁食祷告,

Yom Kippur:犹太人的赎罪日

我记得一个与犹太人的赎罪日(Yom Kippur)有关的迷信习俗. 这一天是斋日,我的父母要在犹太人的教堂待一天,祈求过去一年中自己所犯的罪孽能够得到宽恕,祈求未来一年的健康与幸运. 祈祷中经常要哭泣. 我母亲总是头疼欲裂地等到太阳落山才回家,

Yom Kippur:赎罪日

"赎罪日"(Yom Kippur)是犹太人最神圣的节日,他们在这天恳求上帝赦罪. 他们捶胸顿足,为自己的诽谤、傲慢、顽固、做伪证等罪行而忏悔,为一切可能在古老的神殿[2]时期招致掷石、火烧、斩首、勒喉等四种恐怖极刑[3]的过错而忏悔. 他们祈求,

Yom Kippur:贖罪節

之所以选在犹太人的假日赎罪节(Yom Kippur)这天发动战争,是因为以色列在这天处于全国放假状态. 赎罪日是犹太人一年中最重要的节日,在这天包括虔诚的犹太教徒和一般现世的犹太教徒都会实行禁食,同时会避免使用武器、电子器材、引擎、通讯设施等等,

Mahmoud Abbas:阿巴斯(巴民族权力机构主席)

Yom Kippur 犹太人的赎罪日 | Mahmoud Abbas 阿巴斯(巴民族权力机构主席) | Yasser Arafat 亚西尔.阿拉法特

zinc green:锌绿

dobber <方> (钓鱼线上的)浮标, 浮子 | zinc green 锌绿 | Yom Kippur 犹太人的赎罪日