- 更多网络例句与状态区域相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The method comprises: A, obtaining service area of user terminal, access and call status control node address of user terminal and session control identifiers of the access and call status control node through domain name node; B, user terminal sends a register request to access and call status control node which acquires the user terminal safety information from distribution apanage user server and performs safety information authentication between user terminal and the access and call status control node; C, the call and status control node modifies user terminal status in distribution apanage user server and downloads every kinds of service information of the user terminal.
According to the experimental data, it is found that the circumferential diffierence of heat transfer characteristics occurres due to the effects of thermal acceleration and buoyance in the inclined smooth tube at supercritical pressure.
On the basis of the conclusion above, the nonlinear weak controllable vectors can be obtained, which compose the second class of weak controllable matrix, by means of matrix transfermations of the first class of weak controllable matrix. Furthmore the second criterion of weak controllability, accessibility and strong accessibility, which is more standard, more succinct and more practical, is obtained. On the basis of the first criterion and the second criterion, several important problems about nonlinear controllability are discussed, which include 1 local controllability; 2 three classes of local controllable decomposition, separately by means of local coordinate changes in the neighborhood of a nonsingular point, a point on a singular surface or a designated point x〓 with a designated input u〓; 3 the character of controllability of the ith state variable x〓 in different controllable areas and their boundaries.
Under the assumption that the locations of two inner corners of eyes and two outer corners of mouths are known, in the new method, the approximate area for the two eyes is found first, and then the state of eyes in this area is determined by using the eyes local templates and the Hausdorff distance. Similarly, the state of the mouth can also be known. Finally the whole face contour is searched by global template corresponding to the estimated eyes and mouth states.
The experimental results validate the model and show it can be used as an audience oriented emotion space for film affective content representation.
I have also added a status plot for the quadrillionth bit, although so far it doesn't show very much.
The teachability, which is a problem of driving the states of a hybrid system to a given region, is realized by designing a state feedback controller of Petri net, the firing conditions of transitions and the controller of the continuous system.
Some people have noticed that the 'assigned' lines in the status plots sometimes move downwards between updates -- if you look at the 5 trillionth bit range now, you'll see that there was a range just recently assigned, even though a week ago, it showed that it was 100% assigned.
Considering the double property of the human activities, this chapter also discusses the adjustment of state space axile in detail Secondly, the concept of Period Ideal State of regional man-land system and the methods and principle of measuring it were given.
In this paper, RIEMS(Regional Environment Integrated Modeling System)designed by TEA-RC(START Regional Center for Temperate East Asia)was used to run a 10-year simulation in East Asia to analyze and assess the statistical behavior of RIEMS by the means of analyzing mean climate, extreme events and inter-annual variability. NCEP reanalysis data are used as driving fields.
中文题名区域气候模式对东亚气候及其年际变率的模拟和分析副题名外文题名论文作者熊喆导师符淙斌研究员学科专业气候学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院大气物理研究所学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数72页关键词气候变化东亚气候区域气候模式年际变化区域环境系统集成模式馆藏号BSLW /2003 /P46 /9 本文用NCEP再分析资料作为驱动场来驱动中国科学院大气物理研究所东亚区域研究中心的区域环境系统集成模式,对于东亚地区进行连续十年积分,分析和考察RIEMS模式对东亚地区模拟能力的统计行为,其中包括平均气候状态、年际变率和极端气候等。
- 更多网络解释与状态区域相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
OSPF分层路由的思想 OSPF把一个大型网络分割成多个小型网络的能力被称为分层路由,这些被分割出来的小型网络就称为"区域"(Area). 由于区域内部路由器仅与同区域的路由器交换LSA信息,这样LSA报文数量及链路状态信息库表项都会极大减少,
equipment downtime:设备状态异常以及不能完成预定功能的时间
71. equipment downtime:设备状态异常以及不能完成预定功能的时间. | 72. etch:腐蚀,运用物理或化学方法有选择的去除不需的区域. | 73. exposure:曝光,使感光材料感光或受其他辐射材料照射的过程.
71. equipment downtime:设备状态异常以及不能完成预定功能的时间. | 72. etch:腐蚀,运用物理或化学方法有选择的去除不需的区域. | 73. exposure:曝光,使感光材料感光或受其他辐射材料照射的过程.
Protected Mode:保护状态;保护模式
protected area 受保护区域 | protected mode 保护状态;保护模式 | protection switching 保护交换(技术,方法)
protected area:受保护区域
proprietary 专有的 | protected area 受保护区域 | protected mode 保护状态;保护模式
有时这些存储设备是称为"存储区域网络" (SAN) 网络的一部分. 根据用户计算机与存储设备的关系,计算机可以称为"发送方",因为计算机会初始化与称为"目标"的存储设备连接. 安全和隐私:选择当设备在一段时间内处于不活动状态时将其锁定,
state region:状态区域
state of equilibrium 平衡状态 | state region 状态区域 | state space 状态空间
unit group:单位组 设定单位组的属性及状态
Unit 单位 设定单位的属性及状态 | Unit Group 单位组 设定单位组的属性及状态 | Visibility 可见 设定区域可见模式
zombie state:废止状态
Zipperhead 老顽固 | zombie state 废止状态 | zone 区域;带
它使你在这个错综复杂的世界里,能够体验到武术家们所说的"心静如水"(mindlikewater )的境界,优秀的运动员则称之为"区域"(Zone). 事实上,你很有可能已经体会到这种美妙的感觉了. 在这种工作状态下,你头脑清醒,积极的事物层出不穷,