英语人>词典>汉英 : 犬恶丝虫 的英文翻译,例句
犬恶丝虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

heart worm · Dirofilaria immitis · Filaria immitis
更多网络例句与犬恶丝虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The heartworm is a type of filaria, a small thread-like worm.


Key words: Dirofilaria immitis;Ailurus fulgens;ITS-2 gene;sequence analysis


In order to clarify the taxonomic status of Dirofilaria sp. of Ailurus fulgens,the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of rDNA of Dirofilaria immitis from dogs in Ya'an in Sichuan Pro-vince and of Dirofilaria sp.from Ailurus fulgens in Chengdu and Chongqing were sequenced and compared.


There was no cross-reaction of the prepared raw antigen with the positive sera from dogs infected respectively with Ancylostoma caninum,Toxocara canis and Demodex canis and the highest titer of the positive serum from dogs infected with D.immitis was 1∶1024 detected by the dot-ELISA,which had good reproducibi-lity.


Heartworm disease in dogs is spread by mosquitoes and is spread by the parasite Dirofilaria immitis.


更多网络解释与犬恶丝虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mediastinal emphysema:纵隔气肿

胸部丝虫病(filariasis thorax)是由班氏丝虫、马来丝虫及犬恶丝虫或微丝蚴在胸部淋巴管内寄生引起.........洋葱假单胞菌肺炎(pseudomonas cepacia pneumonia)是洋葱假单胞(pseu.........纵隔气肿(mediastinal emphysema)指气体在纵隔的结缔组

Taenia saginata:牛带绦虫

肥胖带绦虫(牛带绦虫)(Taenia saginata)液浸标本(示教)3. 罗阿丝虫(Loa loa)成虫液浸标本(示教)4. 犬恶丝虫(Dirofilaria immitis)成虫液浸标本(示教)(3) 以分子生物学为基础,通过制备特异性的探针与疟原虫的基因组DNA进行杂交即探针技术.

Taenia solium:猪带绦虫

链状带绦虫(猪带绦虫)(Taenia solium)液浸标本(示教)2. 肥胖带绦虫(牛带绦虫)(Taenia saginata)液浸标本(示教)3. 罗阿丝虫(Loa loa)成虫液浸标本(示教)4. 犬恶丝虫(Dirofilaria immitis)成虫液浸标本(示教)(3) 以分子生物学为基础,

Loa loa:丝虫

罗阿丝虫(Loa loa)成虫液浸标本(示教)4. 犬恶丝虫(Dirofilaria immitis)成虫液浸标本(示教)(3) 以分子生物学为基础,通过制备特异性的探针与疟原虫的基因组DNA进行杂交即探针技术. 通过基因扩增,检测疟原虫某特异片段的DNA序列,


heartwoodtree 心材树 | heartworm 犬恶丝虫 | heat-absorbentsurface 吸热面

heart worm:犬恶丝虫

heart wood ==> 中心木质 | heart worm ==> 犬恶丝虫 | heart-curve diagram ==> 心形线图