英语人>词典>汉英 : 特派员 的英文翻译,例句
特派员 的英文翻译、例句


special correspondent
更多网络例句与特派员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a special correspondent of Osaka News Daily, he was supposed to find out not only the local conditions and customs, but also the changes of the new China then.


In 1981, he retired as anchorman from the CBS network at age 65, but continued to do occasional work as a special correspondent.


Life Shiba Inu as a Reporter, Special Canine Correspondent Appears!

生活 柴犬当记者,狗狗特派员登场!

For invests below RMB 1 0,000,000 Yuan key enterprise,according to the county party committee,the county government accredits the optimization economic environment special representative,and according to is manages the principle implementation to send out manager to license the service system;The investment surpasses RMB 1 0,000,000Yuan,setup the public security to be in charge of quarters the room,provide the track coordination service for the enterprise.


In this dissertation by analysis and comment we point out that though the current model of accounting supervision to SOE makes some progress in contrast with the traditional model, there still exist lots of problems. For example, the accounting assignment system doesn't coordinate with the modern enterprise institution and contradict with corporate law of PRC. The timeliness of supervision by CFO with double roles and assigned expediter (board of supervision of external assignment) is not obvious. The crux is that the assignment of decision maker and supervision-and-binding principal is unreasonable.



CNN 特派员伊恩斯。费瑞

Your excellency, special agent Fleury of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and his colleagues.


And the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has documented 12,000 in Malaysia, but admits there may be twice that number.

联合国难民事务高级特派员办公室记载着在马来西亚的12000 人,但是他们承认实际人数可能是这个数字的两倍。

I'm Special Investigative Agent Kessel...


The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', but the Swedes commonly refer to him


更多网络解释与特派员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ashley Greene:阿什丽.格林

>的女主角阿什丽.格林(Ashley Greene)是本届MTV音乐录影带大奖红地毯环节的特派员. 可她却穿着一身毫无创意可言的衣服现身--黑色绸缎胸衣加金色迷你裙. 难道她是用心良苦,不想抢那些接受采访的女明星的风头?

central authority:中央机构

2.特派员(commissioner)取证1970年>第2条规定了"中央机构"(Central Authority)的传递方式,这成为国际上普遍采用的方式. 也就是,各国均建立起一个专门的中央机关负责办理请求书的传递.

commissary, apostolic:教宗特使;教宗特派员

commentator:释经员;领经员:弥撒中解释经文的人员. | commissary, apostolic:教宗特使;教宗特派员. | commissary of the Holy Land:圣地管理员:宗座通常指定由方济会士管理.


为此杜勒斯建议,中美之间有可能交换"特派员"(commissioner)来澄清各自的立场,并处理在中国的美方人员以及中国留学生的问题. 他强调,这可能是目前摆脱困境的一个途径,并建议利用第三国的代表来做这件事. 艾森豪威尔虽同意与中国谈判探讨上述问题,

special correspondent:特派员

correspondent 通讯员 | special correspondent 特派员 | contributor 投稿家

high commissioner:高级特派员(高级专员)

非常驻大使 non-resident ambassador | 高级特派员(高级专员) high commissioner | 公使衔外交代表 minister resident

high commissioner:高级专员; 高级委员; 特派员

High Commission of Development Cooperation Agencies;发展合作机构高级委员会... | high commissioner;高级专员; 高级委员; 特派员;; | High Commissioner for Human Rights;人权事务高级专员(人权专员);HCHR;人权专...


8) grievance 不平,冤屈 | 9) Justiteombudsman (瑞典的)司法特派员 | 10) ombudsman (瑞典和英国的)司法特派员


55.T-man美国财政部特派员 | batman传令兵,勤务员 | boatman 船工,出租小艇的人

special inspectors:稽察特派员

缉私 suppress smuggling | 稽察特派员 special inspectors | 及时、足额发放 timely and full funding of pension