英语人>词典>汉英 : 特征指标 的英文翻译,例句
特征指标 的英文翻译、例句


characteristic index
更多网络例句与特征指标相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The blood flow rate in micrangium an important characteristic index in microcirculation research, and it has important meaning in physiology, pathology and pharmacology.


Although the origin and mechanism of debris-flow can be clarified, by surveying and evaluating the characteristic indexes of debris-flow, such as cleugh configuration and geology condition, but in the forecast of debris-flow, it is also essential to adequately treasure and analyze the rainfall rate being a most important condition of extraneous cause.


A backpropagation neural network model with the input matrix composed of the characteristic indexes of pressure is proposed to classify the running state of refrigerating units in order to diagnose and forecast the leakage fault.


Taking Wuliangsuhai Lake,which is a typical shallow weedy lake lies in Hetao irrigate district in the north of China,as a research object,combining the measured water quality data with the spatial data,using the method of Principal Components Analysis based on factor analysis,the water quality parameters of WL are summarized into seven principal components,namely the index ...


Based on the "shortest path matrix", the selected characteristic indices-distance, time and speed, this paper analyses the current spatial structure of accessibility in the cities which the national trunk highway system connects, and impacts the speed index made.


We measured the light transmittance, reflectance and photosynthetic capacity of leaves of Mikania micrantha and 19 other species of plants (herbal and woody sp.) in the same community. M. micrantha and other plants were similar in transmittance and reflectance spectra and showed no apparent differences in the relation between leaf-optical and photosynthetic-related in the same community.


Arizona, USA. This data set was used to evaluate how well the LHS scheme accounts for thevariation in above and belowground traits.


According to the morphological characteristic variations,4 body measurements,i.e.withers height,body length,chest girth and fore shin circumference were measured on the spot,and 25 items in 11 types of appearance character were describedand their phenotype frequencies were computed,14 coat color were classified andtheir frequencies were computed.


In different degree of saline and alkali conditions controlled in lab or under field, contents as followed were determined: the absorption, transportation and distribution of major cations Na~+, K~+, Ca~(2+and Mg~(2+) in indicator plant; organic solute, and antioxidase activities, including superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase POD characteristics of individual, population and community of the plant. Responses of the indicator plant to environment from physiological to community aspects were systemically discussed in this document.(1 Vegetional characteristics and edaphic indicators including bare patch index, dry biomass, percent cover by perennial plants, growth indicators of Leymus chinensis, soil organic matter and pH were sensitive to saline-alkali grassland degeneration.


Comparative study on two levels of population and modules of mutualspecies in the two stations demonstrates that feature index tend to diminish suchas height,tussock amplitude,size,number,density and dry weight;and thegrowth analysis index incline to increase such as RGR、ULA、chlorophyllcontent and effectiveness of plant multi-leaves of the populations and DULA、DUMR、DAGA and DRGRa of the modules;and the dynamic curves of thepopulations and the modules also tend to steadily increase along with thetemperature ascending,heat accumulation and combination between water andheat in moderate-temperature steppe from fierce fluctuation alongside naturalprecipitation in warm-temperature steppe,illustrating that the transformabletendency from increasing the numbers of tussocks and tillers in order to expandthe resource range to seize in warm-temperature steppe to steadily improve drymatter production function of the populations and the modules in moderate-temperature steppe.


更多网络解释与特征指标相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

group character:群特征标;群指标

成群改变 group change | 群特征标;群指标 group character | 群行列式 group determinant

characteristic index:特征指针;示性指标

集合的指示函数 characteristic function of a set | 特征指针;示性指标 characteristic index | 特征线元素 characteristic line element

characteristic index:特征指标,特征指数

characteristic impulse 脉冲响应特性 | characteristic index 特征指标,特征指数 | characteristic influenced by ambient temperature 周囲温度特性

characteristic function of a set:集合的指示函数

特征函数;指示函数;固有函数 characteristic function | 集合的指示函数 characteristic function of a set | 特征指针;示性指标 characteristic index


片麻岩(gneiss) 具片麻状构造的,主要成分为长石、石英、云母的变质岩. 片麻状构造(gneissic structure) 岩石...理论研究和实际工程中,常用大、中小和微孔隙、角砾、砂粒和粉粘粒、三大矿物(石英、长石和粘土矿物)含量等指标表征这3方面的特征.3方面指标在一定范围上变化幅度多大?


"互联网应用网民使用行为与态度监测研究"(NUAT)是益派(ePanel)针对中国互联网应用市场发布的第三方连续性调查报告. RIM加权是给定多个人口特征指标的目标值,以叠代(Iteration)求解法来修正样本结构



gneissic structure:片麻状构造

片麻状构造(gneissic structure) 岩石...理论研究和实际工程中,常用大、中小和微孔隙、角砾、砂粒和粉粘粒、三大矿物(石英、长石和粘土矿物)含量等指标表征这3方面的特征.3方面指标在一定范围上变化幅度多大?

Acer negundo:糖槭

ica)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)、糖槭(Acer negundo)、紫丁香(Syringa oblata)等的种绿化树种的特征、生态习性、功能要求3大因子中的生长类型、光照、树冠形状、固碳释氧能力等31项查询指标及科、属、拉丁名、花期等12项辅助指标作为研究对象,

merry dancers:北极光

merit 优点特征指标标准 | merry dancers 北极光 | Mersey Docks and Harbour Board 摩西船坞和港务局