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特征位 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与特征位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carries on the classification to the question, analyzes each kinds of questions the explanation mentality, inquires and summarizes that it can 100 within the odd number aliquot aliquot characteristic, finally discovered that any integer can by the lowliest place digit be 1,3,7,9 aliquot integer characteristics according to the lowliest place numeric classification, each kind has certain rule.


Finally, we present an arithmetic of multiplehypocentral, heterogenous dislocation, and a multirupture segment superposition model for simulating the earthquake deformation field. The simulated LOS interferometry map presents the distribution characteristics of the earthquake deformation field better than that of previous studied. Meanwhile, a suit of fault geometric parameters of the earthquake is also obtained by the study. Having a better effect upon simulating asymmetry, great dislocation, macro rupture field, and nonhomogeneity of dislocation than the traditional model, the multisegment method is a progress of this work. It provides a better explanation for the study on hypocentral parameters.


The main research work and its results are: 1Empirical results are analysed for the relations of fault displacement and earthquake magnitude, and difference between permanent ground deformation and maxium dynamic relative displacement on the two sides of fault; 2An analytic method is proposed for resopnse of a buried pipeline due to earthquake fault movement; 3A new shell model with an equivalent boundary and relted finite element analysis method are proposed for estimating response of a buried pipeline under large fault movement; 4By the proposed method, damage performance of water supply steel pipelines with large diameter is simulated to the real cases in Kocaeli Earthquake and Ji-Ji Earthquake, and simulating results show the real failure mode of pipes is revealed; 5Effects of overlying soil and soft/hard interlayers are analyzed on ground rupture mode and degree due to earthquake fault, and some earthquake rupture phenomena in soil layers are theoretically described for the first time; 6Pipeline response characters are discussed for the case of considering effects of soil layers on ground rupture mode; 7Research results and proposed method are applied in seismic analysis of pipline acrossing fault in the Gas Tansportation Project from West to East in China.


The canopy structure and leaf morphological characters of 4 sugarcane genotypes at different leaf layers on seedling were studied by using CI-100 plant canopy instrument and CI-203 area meter instrument. The results showed the leaf morphological parameters, canopy structure and radiation transmission at different leaf layers were notably different among different genotypes. The variation of Ila, Amfi, Dl at different leaf layers were mainly caused by the leaf width at relevant position. The variation of K at different leaf layers was related to Amfi and Dl. The variation of Td(transm. coef. for diffuse penetration)had significant correlations with Ila, Amfi and Dl. The variation of Tr(transm. coef. for radiation penetration)had significant correlations with Dl, leaf width and the ratio of leaf length to width. The variation of Par had significant correlations with Ila, leaf area, leaf width and the ratio of leaf length to width.


The characteristic of machined surface of high speed machining aluminum alloy 7050-T7451 is researched by micrographic experiments and analysis. The formation mechanics of machined metamorphism layer has been analyzed and studied. The dislocation-energy model in machined metamorphism layer was established and applied to explain the micrographic mechanics work-hardening using the thermo-mechanical coupling deformation theory and dislocation theory. The experimental results show that the interaction of high dislocation density effect on hardening is more remarkable than that of thermal stress in high speed machining.


Finally, we present an arithmetic of multiplehypocentral, heterogenous dislocation, and a multirupture segment superposition model for simulating the earthquake deformation field. The simulated LOS interferometry map presents the distribution characteristics of the earthquake deformation field better than that of previous studied. Meanwhile, a suit of fault geometric parameters of the earthquake is also obtained by the study. Having a better effect upon simulating asymmetry, great dislocation, macro rupture field, and nonhomogeneity of dislocation than the traditional model, the multisegment method is a progress of this work. It provides a better explanation for the study on hypocentral parameters.


According to the degrees of PSC they have,Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage are classified into four stages as elementary ,intermediate ,intermediate-advanced and advanced.Then the phonologies of Standard Mandarin and Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage are compared in order to find out the phonological differences between these two dialects. Based on the statistical results, the writer chooses ten typical kinds of pronunciation errors of finals according to the rates of pronunciation errors of finals on stages.Then, the phonetic level analysis is made on them for the four stages respectively. Furthermore, acoustic features of vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs and vowels with nasal endings are analysized and compared by plotting vowel charts and formant patterns for them. Finally, the writer gets some preliminary results of the typical pronunciation errors of finals during the whole process of Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage and on the stages of it respectively.


In automatic identification, we adopt a multi-tag and multi-feature method based on the word - position statistical information more than the current international BIO common word mark block system ,But with reference of the length and word-position of the BaseNP information to determine the number of tags, and combined with some of the characteristics of effective information to further improve the results of identification.


"Appeared as early as in the Buddhist translation in the East Han Dynasty and replaced "食" in late Tang and Five Dynasties. The different geographical layout of the glosseme can be a presentation of ...


The study of 34 presidents' individual characteristics of well-known university in China shows that 33 of them are male and 1 is female, come from the east and middle developed region, 94.11% who are 40~59 years old become helmsmen of universities, 91.17% have the record of postgraduate education, 94.11% study science and engineering, 61.76% have studied in foreign universities, 50% have got a degree from their old universities, 50% are members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering, their average terms of office are 4.6 years.


更多网络解释与特征位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be noted as:人的身份(as 后的宾语与主语是同位成分)

China is noted for the Great Wall. 中国因长城而出名. | be noted as + 人的身份(as 后的宾语与主语是同位成分) | be noted for + 知识/ 技能/ 特征(for 后的宾语是主语的所属内容)


戴维森还用"特徵"(Characteristics)和"谓词"(Predicates)来定义精神和物质之间的区别. 然而从本体论上说,戴维森仍然是一位一元论者,因为他也主张心物同一说,即每一个具体的精神事件都等同于一个具体的物理事件. 戴维森也时常谈到心物因果作用,

Geometric Tolerance:形位公差 几许公差

geometric characteristic symbols 几许特征 几许特征标记 | Geometric Tolerance 形位公差 几许公差 | geometry 几许图形 几许图形

initial phase:初位相

ore)和初级线圈(primary coil)与次级线圈(secondary coil)构成变压比为 U一 简谐交流电以正弦或余弦规律变化的有一定频率(frequency)和峰值(peak value)的简谐波(harmonic一概述元件自身的特征是用阻抗和初位相(initial phase)描述的

main program:主程式 主程序

主奴正反器 主从触发器 master-slave flip-flop | 主程式 主程序 main program | 状态旗标 状态标志、状态特征位 status flag

tentative price:暂定价格

characteristic dislocation 特征位错 | tentative price 暂定价格 | working dress 比赛服装

tackle fettler:导卫装置调整工

tackle用具、工具、滑车、复滑车、索具、吊索 | tackle fettler导卫装置调整工 | tag标签、电缆接头、标记、特征位

Hedera helix:常春藤

熊掌木生物特征形态特征笨种是1912年法国一位苗圃专家用八角金盘(Fatsia japomica)与常春藤(Hedera helix)杂交而成. 常绿性藤蔓植物,高可达1米以上. 初生时茎呈草质,后渐转木质化. 单叶互生,掌状五裂,叶端渐尖,叶基心形,叶宽12-16厘米,

steric effect:位阻效应

4.掌握卤代烃的消除反应(E1、E2)机理和札依切夫(Satyzeff)规则,消除反应的立体化学特征. 主要影响因素是位阻效应(steric effect)或称空间效应. 胆碱 (Choline)存在于生物体内, 是生物体代谢的中间产物,


1.5 汉语的聚合关系 汉语的区分性特征,语言学界已有共识:调位的(tonemic)、单音节的(mono-syllabic)、表意的(ideographic). 它们涉及音、形、义;兼顾了声音语言和文字语言;涵盖了古汉语和现代汉语. 从这三个概念入手,