英语人>词典>汉英 : 特务 的英文翻译,例句
特务 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

secret agent · special agent · special task
更多网络例句与特务相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accordingly ,China's super-spy'Sky No.1's was told to investigate into the matter while China's first female pilot, Chu-King,was to rerscue him and the puppet ruler of Kaal.The three people made a narrow escape from death,facing the mighty Japanese army


Translator's note: according to Anno,"nerv" is the German word for "nerve".


If we speak one word of criticism, we are reported and our names put on the black list.


Now part of the organized resistance, he enlists her to again become Mrs. Mak in a revival of the plot to kill Yee, who as head of the collaborationist secret service has become even more a key part of the puppet government.


The attacks in an unfinished skyscraper started flying eagle on the 2nd through the building disguised as a computer engineer security checks, building color guard OHara fan attempted petty-minded manner, in order to achieve our goals at violence and bullying, entanglement, secret service secretly sent to eliminate them all the killer is ready, waiting for an opportunity to start, Eagle One, on the 2nd trapped in the skyscraper began in cardiac shock force of self-help.


Fourthly, it allows a privileged group to set itself up as the arbiter of what is Communistic and what is not.


But, he betrays the Communist Party again later, dark blue completion turns over Kuomintang spy of people in all instead, become meet with the traitor with disgustful history, in tragic circumstances the guest dies finally foreign land.


In this film,Tang has to mature from an innocent student to a double agent.


On July 23, of day north heavy, elephantine spies the one face that Zhang Zhang should rain.


The last of the rebels were flushed out by a French team secretly dispatched --- at King Khalid's request --- by President Valery Giscard d'Estaing.

最后的一股绑匪被由法国总统Valery Giscard d'Estaing ---应哈立德国王的要请---秘密派出的法国特务队冲洗出来。

更多网络解释与特务相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

PlD thinks it might be connected to work. Director put us on alert:特务情报组认为跟工作有关,局长要我们提高警觉

He--? He was murdered?|他...?被... | PlD thinks it might be connected to work. Director put us on alert.|特务情报组认为跟工作有关,局长要我们提高警觉 | I'm sorry, I know he was your friend.|抱歉,我知道他...


Gorky Park 血酒红场 1984 | Gotcha 鬼马靓仔俏特务 1985 | Gothic 魂断仲夏夜 1987


Ivan's Childhood 伊万的童年 | In-Laws,the 特务亲家 | In the Heat of the Night 炎热的夜晚

Secret Agent:特务

- 1937 - Young and Innocent - 年轻与无知 | - 1936 - Sabotage - 破坏 | - 1936 - Secret Agent - 特务

a secret agent:特务, 侦探

a road agent [美](驿站道路的)拦路强盗 | a secret agent 特务, 侦探 | secret-service agent 特工人员

Secret service here:这里是"经情局"(美特务机构)

Agent in the field.顾主在场上. [猜的] | Secret service here.这里是"经情局"(美特务机构). | Need an escort?需要护卫吗?

Secret service here:这里是"情报局"(美特务机构)

Agent in the field.顾主在场上. [猜的] | Secret service here.这里是"情报局"(美特务机构). | Need an escort?需要护卫吗?

special agent:(特务

贝尔把他在Newsies(不知片名)和摇摆狂潮(Swing Kids) 学来的跳舞底子用上,导演寇特威默称赞他的专业底子替影片拍摄省不少时间,贝尔当时会接演重装任务这片除了对动作片感兴趣,很可能是出於经济需求. 就像那个老特务(Special Agent) 查理斯温斯戴(Stephen Lang 饰)*~~

Special Agent Bloom:特务布伦

Fucking pussy. He won't come out.|没用的家伙,他不肯出来 | Special Agent Bloom!|特务布伦! | You are hereby relieved of all obligation to this investigation.|你不再负责本案的调查了

Spy Kids:非常小特务

在这里,l偶借此帖给各位献上我的新年礼物,祝福各位:新春-吉祥如意!!! 名称: 非常小特务3 主演: 安东尼奥班德拉类型: 科幻片 出产: 欧美地区 长度: 150 分种 影片简介: <<非常小特务>>(Spy Kids)又来了,今年7月25日,