英语人>词典>汉英 : 牛叫 的英文翻译,例句
牛叫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
low  ·  lowed

更多网络例句与牛叫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"No, that is only a cow lowing," said the little girl;"we are along way from the place yet."


Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?


In Jiangsu Province to a cosmetics counter doing BA, she风风火火, nothing is taboo, but also not afraid of offending people, shrewish, head of the counter for her one-third of all, this is justified, why is the eldest sister cattle being good in the sales on, then you can use one word to describe the "bull!"


Then there was another bull named Mossy Oak Mud Slinger.


And if you're wondering what life in an Indian village is like, Luce describes it vividly:"The tubercular hacking cough is as common a sound in the north Indian village as the lowing of the cattle or the ringing of the temple bell."


Why a person very fierce cry very " ox ", be " bovine gas is towering ", and call the person of a not up to much " ursine " appearance, actually Xiong Ying should be very fierce animal, it is at least " ox " fierce!


Yeah, you miss a lot when you're mooing.


At evening, the distant lowing of some cow in the horizon beyond the woods sounded sweet and melodious, and at first I would mistake it for the voices of certain minstrels by whom I was sometimes serenaded, who might be straying over hill and dale; but soon I was not unpleasantly disappointed when it was prolonged into the cheap and natural music of the cow.


Tonight, by about 8:00 p.m., the waning gibbous moon and the constellation Taurus the Bull will appear together over your eastern horizon. Thereafter, the moon will shine in front of the Bull for the rest of the night.The radiant points for two November meteor showers – the South Taurids and North Taurids – both reside in front o...


The cattle,their winter coats still only gone in patch es(补丁,补片,补块,形容牛身上脱毛尚未完全脱净的斑驳形象),began to low in the meadows.crook-legged lambs began frisk ing about their bleat ing mothers,just losing their wool; nimble-footed children began rushing about the quickly drying paths marked with the imprints of bare feet,the merry voices of women bleach ing linen began chattering by the ponds,and the axes of the peasants getting their wooden plows and harrow s ready began ringing out in the yards.


更多网络解释与牛叫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


羊叫 baa,bleat | 牛叫 moo | 猫叫 meow,mew,miaow,purr

blat:(小牛或小羊)叫, 喋喋不休 不加思索说出

blastulation | 囊胚形成 | blat | . (小牛或小羊)叫, 喋喋不休 不加思索说出 | blatancy | 喧哗

bleat:哭诉,叫(小羊牛) "不理它的哭诉

barren 贫瘠 "拜伦生活在一块贫瘠的山地上" | bleat 哭诉,叫(小羊牛) "不理它的哭诉" | brood 同窝幼鸟"同窝的幼鸟是一块哺乳的"

cysticercus bovis:牛囊尾蚴

猪带绦虫又叫有钩绦虫. 牛囊虫病的病原体是牛带吻绦虫(Taeniarhynchus saginatus)的幼虫---牛囊尾蚴(Cysticercus bovis). 牛是主要的中间宿主,人是终末宿主. 其生活史、诊断、防治等于猪囊虫相似.

bray, hee-haw:骡叫

58.马嘶neigh, whinny | 59.骡叫bray, hee-haw | 60.牛叫 low, below, moo

The cattle are lowing:牛在哞哞叫

Asleep on the hay.沉睡在干草里 | The cattle are lowing,牛在哞哞叫 | The baby awakes,小宝贝被吵醒了


牛叫 moo | 猫叫 meow,mew,miaow,purr | 驴叫 bray

Cows moo:牛哞哞叫

小鸟叽叽叫:Birds chirp. | 牛哞哞叫:Cows moo. | 驴叫:Donkeys hee-haw.

Whoever is mooing, please stop it:谁在叫呀 拜托停下来

I'm serious.|我是说真的 | Whoever is mooing, please stop it.|谁在叫呀 拜托停下来 | Cut the cow!|别学牛叫了!

Yeah, you miss a lot when you're mooing:没错,你学牛叫的时候错过好多风景嘞

but I've never really seen them.|但是我都没有好好看过风景. | Yeah, you miss a lot when you're mooing.|没错,你学牛叫的时候错过好多风景嘞. | Let's go to a Broadway show. Cats!|我们去看百老汇音乐剧吧