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牙科学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
odontonosology  ·  dentology

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Abstract〕Objective:To study the tooth size correlation between permanent cuspid and bicuspid group and other teeth groups in malocclusion.

摘要〕 目的:研究错、正常的尖牙、双尖牙组与其它组牙的相关性,为尖牙、双尖牙组的预测提供科学依据。

As you might expect -- as his fans surely expect -- Mr. Depp's mincing, flouncing Mad Hatter bears more than a passing resemblance to Jack Sparrow, though Hatter's faint lisp and gap-toothed grin also suggest Laurence Olivier's Archie Rice in 'The Entertainer,' or a young Boris Karloff doing Humphrey Bogart.


Faculty of Dentistry is primarily dedicated to education and research in dentistry including conservative dentistry, endodontics, dental materials science, dental public health, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral microbiology, oral pathology, cariology, oral rehabilitation, orthodontics, paediatric dentistry, periodontology, implantology.


The first set of dometic washing tooth products in the world.------haolilai micro-computer tooth instrument , it became the best choice to wash tooth for people .because it completely canceled various worries of tooth and solved the six greateast evil of washing tooth in hospital. It completely absorbed the science result of prehuman. Such as : uesd the most adveanced ultrasonic technology, particular safety frequency of the CHAMPION,design of humanization,super and strong functions,convenient operation. It can compeletly protect tooth health and return your a good tooth,you will feel delightfully fresh in you mouth.!


Traditiona- ly, the buccolingual width of the pontic is reduced in clini- cal practice to lessen the load of the abutment teeth. But it has little scientific basis.


The restoration of dentition meant not only to fill the missing teeth and increase the efficiency of mastication, but also to maintain the integrity of dentition and the health of residual teeth, especially loosen teeth that could be reserved. Bone resorption might lead to teeth mobility and the change of occlusal pattern and proximal relationship. Also, the endurant threshold to bite force decreased. Occlusal loads within the normal range to loosen teeth would lead to broken down of periodontal tissues.

中文题名PVDF咀嚼力测试仪的研制及松动牙咀嚼生理功能的研究副题名外文题名 The study of masticatory performance of loosen teeth and PVDF-based instrument for dynamic chewing force measurement 论文作者李鸿波导师姚月玲教授学科专业口腔临床医学口腔科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位第四军医大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数108页关键词牙列缺损松动牙咀嚼力最大〓力馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R783 /9 修复牙列缺损不但要修复缺牙、恢复咀嚼功能,也要维护牙列的完整性、保护余留牙,尤其是可保留的松动牙的健康。

The article offered scientistic gist for prevention of deciduous dental caries.


The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and urogenital system.


The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, case reports and letters to the editor, on all branches of medicine and dentistry including basic sciences (anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, psychology, etc) and clinical sciences (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, dental surgery, child health, laboratory sciences, radiology, community medicine, etc), as well as the intermediating and background social factors influencing health in developing countries.


A study on polymorphism of salivary esterase in personal identification ;2. This study presents a technique developed for 3-D imaging and quantitative comparison of human dentitions and simulated bite marks,which could provide a new technology for personal identification based upon dentition and bite mark for forensic medical practice.


更多网络解释与牙科学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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医学(MEDICINE), 牙科学(DENTISTRY)和兽医学(VETERINARY SCIENCE)的毕业生有着近99.5%的就业与教育率, 数学专业(MATHS)的毕业生也有94.2%. 其他高于平均水平的专业还有音乐和戏剧(MUSIC AND DRAMA),达到了94.3%.令人意外的是,

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Journal of oral and maxillofaci... | Oral surgery ,oral medicine , oral pathology , oral radiology ,and endodontology 口腔外科学、口腔内科学、口腔病理学、口腔放射和牙髓病学 美国 | The Journal of prostheti...

oral surgery:(口腔外科学、口腔内科学、口腔病理学、口腔放射学和牙髓病学)

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