英语人>词典>汉英 : 牙槽唇的 的英文翻译,例句
牙槽唇的 的英文翻译、例句


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The columella was nonsurgically lengthened from 1.13mm to 3.78mm (P.05). CONCLUSION: In order to obtain satisfactory lip-nose configuration for BCLP, presurgical NAM is useful in cleft lip and palate team approach.


The labial frenum is a fold of mucous membrane which contains no muscle and has no action of its own. Its attachment on the labial side of the ridge is often low, depending on the degree of resorption of the ridge. The labial flange of the denture must possess a corresponding notch to allow the frenum to pass through.


The symphysis is sectioned into two halves by malleting a spatula osteotome into the partially sectioned interdental osteotomy site.


Methods A retrospective study was performed in a group of unoperated bilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients who received simultaneous primary palate repair and alveolar bone grafting.

按照唇腭裂序列治疗的现代概念,腭裂修复应在语音发育开始前完成,一般在出生后 9~ 12个月进行,而齿槽嵴裂植骨修复术的最佳时间应在尖牙未萌出前,牙根形成 1/ 2~ 2 / 3,患者年龄为 9~ 11岁[1] 。

After transecting the pedicle, implants were placed with standard method on the alveolar through the skin graft.


Results Of the 48 successful cases,after 3~36 months following-up,bilateral high lip equal,bows and restore the natural shape and function of the upper lip,for a fractured alveolar ridge gradually converging on the jaw and the development of satisfactory results.

结果 本组48例患者,术后随访3 月~3年,双侧唇高相等、唇弓形态自然并恢复了上唇的功能,促进了牙槽嵴裂隙的逐渐靠拢和上颌骨的发育,效果满意。

Objective To discuss the morphology and relative location of cranium,jaw,face,te eth-alveolus which affecting three types of smile,so as to provide a quantitative guideline for the clinical dynamic investigation,diagnosis,treatment planning,prognosis and appraisal i n the practice of orthodontics,orth ognathia and prosthetics.
