英语人>词典>汉英 : 版税 的英文翻译,例句
版税 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

copyright royalty
更多网络例句与版税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Why pay more if you can have an all-purpose set of more than a hundred royalty-free icons for less than $300?


Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia by Antonio Gaudi, Royalty-Free Stock Photo Image Collection on CD.

庙expiatori德香格里拉sagrada家庭,由安东尼奥高迪(巴塞罗那,加泰罗尼亚,西班牙),免版税,风景, Photo图像采集的

Now all Geely needs to do is offer a 'Royalty' accessory package complete with manservant, golden crown and assassination plot, and the GE owner's life will be complete.


Our Realmedia-based authoring system also lets you produce completed presentations on CD-ROMs or on web servers -- and earn global royalties through new pay-per-use delivery options.


Money has been pouring in to his personal company, largely from royalties he is paid every time the films are shown on TV, said Beresford.


Ribstein's post made us laugh, but it also raised a handful of interesting questions in our minds: to what degree do law professors rely on casebook royalties to buttress their salaries?


From then on I did not earn a centavo except with the typewriter, and this seems more meritorious to me than one might think, because the first royalties that allowed me to live on my stories and novels were paid to me when I was in my forties, after I had published four books with the most abject earnings.


That is because the publisher will almost certainly have the right to consider any unexcused delay in delivery to be a breach of the publishing contract.


Reverse confederative royalty commission a regulation last year, content is the royalty that raises network radio station to must pay actor and record company considerably.


It may have been because they would have had to pay royalties to the writers of "The First Duty" every episode, though in interviews, the producers of Voyager have said they felt Locarno's actions in that episode made him irredeemable, or at least less interested in redemption than Paris was.


更多网络解释与版税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


预付款(Advances): 提前付给的版税,将从赚到的版税中扣除. 4.版税 版税的内容包括: a 机械录制税(Mechanical royalty) 通常在扣除版权代理机构的委托费后被五五分 ...


basic royalty 基本版税 | battledore 幼儿读物,幼儿识字卡 | BEA BookExpo America 美国书展


塞万提斯(Cervantes)这样写法,薄伽丘(Boccaccio)也是这样写法,他们纯粹出于创作的兴趣,金钱毫无关涉于其间. 即在现时代有了版税版权的保障,金钱仍为非预期的目的. 无论多少金钱决不能使无创作天才的人写出好的作品来,

type-setting, composition:排版

royalty 版税 | type-setting, composition 排版 | proof-reading 校对工作


Nucleus最大的特点是全部提供源代码,免去用户购买许可(license)和付版税(Royalties)的费用. 提供了源代码的另一个优势就是,它可以方便移植,往往只需要修改几个汇编文件就可以方便的移植到其他CPU上,不用再次购买操作系统.


和通常认知相悖的是,版税(Royalty)与授权费(licensefee)之争在IP核销售中不是主要障碍. 供应商要么有能够让客户愿意支付版税的IP核,要么没有. 冲突在采购流程里就已经解决了.

copyright royalty:稿费,版税

984copyright 版权 | 985copyright royalty稿费,版税 | 986corporate accounting 公司会计

copyright royalty:版税

coownership n.公共所有(权);公有制 | copyright royalty 版税 | cordially adv.诚挚地

copyright royalty:版税, 版权费

author's royalty 著者版税,作者稿酬 | copyright royalty 版税版权费 | fight against illegal publications 打非

copyright royalty:版税、版权费

bootleg 盗版 | copyright royalty 版税、版权费 | fight against illegal publication 打非