英语人>词典>汉英 : 片钠铝石 的英文翻译,例句
片钠铝石 的英文翻译、例句


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Based on the study on the reformation of Dawsonite sandstones with CO2 fluids at different temperature (100℃, 200℃ and 300℃) and different the CO2/H2O/sandstone systems in inclosed containers, it is suggested that the corrosion intensity of dawsonite sandstone will gradually be enhanced as the temperature increases.


The solubility experiment for dawsonite indicated that under the stratigraphic condition, the temperature for the solution of dawsonite in 100~150℃,and the generation of some carbonate and other new mineral can occur after the reaction.


The solubility experiment for dawsonite indicated that under the stratigraphic condition, the temperature for the solution of dawsonite in 100-150℃,and the generation of some carbonate and other new mineral can occur after the reaction.


Based on the analysis of the mutual action between CO2 fluids and sandstone, it is found that the higher content of dawsonite is the main cause for poorer reservoir properties, and the dawsonite is formed later than other authigenic minerals and no erosion occurres after the pores filling, which are the basic factors resulting in poor reservoir properties.


Abundant instances and experimentations on synthetic dawsonite indicate that carbonic acid or excess carbon dioxide is necessary for generating dawsonite. Therefore, occurrence of dawsonite is always associated with carbon dioxide gas reservoir.


At the same time, the SEM study shows that gibbsite occurs on the sample surface. At 200 ℃, as dawsonite sandstone is being dissolved authigenic siderite forms. At 300℃, chlorite deposit on parts of the sample surface. The weak solution of dawsonite sandstone at 100℃ and the formation of siderite at 200℃ illuminate that CO2 being in carbonates in the strata can not be released when CO2 phase is adding to the system.


The morphology, occurrence and components of dawsonite were described, and the paragenetic sequence of sandstone and origin of CO2 forming dawsonite were investigated by polarization microscope, scanning electron microscope, Xray diffraction and MAT251 stable isotope mass spectrometer.


However, dawsonite can be acted as trace mineral suggesting migration or accumulation of fluids with abundant carbon dioxide to whatever origin it belongs. In geological background, occurrence or enrichment of dawsonite indicates that migration or accumulation of carbon dioxide with large scale has happened.


Dawsonite is an orthorhombic, hydrated sodium aluminium carbonate appearing as radial, bunchy, trichoid platy collective and so on, filling in the pores among the grains, or as replacement of feldspar and detritus partly or on the whole, dawsonite is a kind of authigenic mineral which formed latest.


Optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis have revealed that dawsonite mainly occur in the feldspar-rich sandstone and pyroclastic rocks, either as cements filling inter-grain pores as radical, bunchy, rosette, intricately trichoid, and platy collectives, or as replacement of feldspar and lithic grains with bunchy and paty shapes.


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