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片通 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
penton  ·  Penton

更多网络例句与片通相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presents in detail the design principle and method of 14~16.25μm infrared bandpass filter using concept of equivalent refraction index.


The results show that: This tablet can decrease the rat"s footpad swell induced by Freud"s, inhibit the permeability of the blood capillary in inflammatory joint and decrease the 11-2 level in serum while increasing the rat"s body weight,(2) It can lower the rat"s temperature and the permeability of the blood capillary in inflammatory joint induced by collagen and inhibit the delayed type hypersensitivity,It can lower the stickiness of full blood and the accumulation of erythrocyte obviously inblood stasis model rats,lt can inhibit the formation of hemolysin and decrease the index of carbon granule clearance in mice, It can lower the permeability of celiac blood capillary and inhibit the granulomatous hyperplasia by sc cotton ,It can inhibit the pain induced by acetic acid and raise the pain threshold value of heat stimulation.


RESULTS Danshutong tablets significantly increased the frequency, amplitude, and the area under curve of rabbit gallbladder contractibility and the bile circulation,it also relaxed the sphincter of Oddi.

结果 胆舒通片能增加胆囊收缩曲线下面积,显著增加家兔胆囊收缩的频率和收缩幅度,表明胆舒通片有增强胆囊收缩的作用。

Stone uses a suspect, mixed art form, and JFK raises the familiar ethical and historical problems of docudrama?.


Reading "cask" theories feeling recently, i read a "log links theory," emotionally,"akebia theory" tells us : can be equipped with a number of buckets of water is determined by the shortest piece of dried; the other hand, not only can carry buckets of water from a number of the shortest piece of dried decision, but also by the gap between the board to decide.


objective:discusses danlu tong to supervise the piece treatment waist canales spinalis to be narrow sickness(chinese medicine dialectical anti-supervises arteries for stasis)the clinical curative effect and the security.method: uses the double blind stochastic comparison method treatment waist canales spinalis to be narrow sickness(stasis anti-to supervise arteries)the patient 200 examples,danlu tong supervises the piece group 100 examples,the bone immortal piece group 100 examples.result:①danlu tong supervises the piece group clinical total effectiveness 93%,revealing rate 54%,the curative effect obviously surpasses the bone immortal piece group.


Methods 95 cases of convalescing cerebral infarction patients were randomly divided into two groups.One is the treatment group of 60 cases.Take Naoluotong capsule,three times a day and three tablets each time. other is the control group of 35 cases.Take Xuesaitong tablet,three times a day and one tablet each time.


Methods 95 cases of convalescing cerebral infarction patients were randomly divided into two groups.One is the treatment group of 60 cases.Take Naoluotong capsule,three times a day and three tablets each time.The other is the control group of 35 cases.Take Xuesaitong tablet,three times a day and one tablet each time.


The results of analysis and test indicate these method, such as decreasing the size of raw material and using advanced ball grinder to improve the uniformity of the distribution of the materials in the slurry, adjusting the spray granulator to improve the characteristics of tablets, adjusting the sintering temperature curve to improve the uniformity of sintering reaction on different part of ZnO nonlinear resistor, and so on, can improve the surge energy absorption capability.


Methods using high sulfatide fodder feeding the rabbits to make the model. The normal group and the model group use double-distilled water to give intragastric administration treatment,the group of YTT use YTT liquer to give intragastric administration treatment.One month later take the aorta out of the rabbits, using immune tissue chemical technology to observe VEGF, bFGF, TSP-1 and the numbers of new vessels.


更多网络解释与片通相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aerenchyma:通气组织 通氣組織

aeration 通气; 气曝 通氣; 氣曝 Y | aerenchyma 通气组织 通氣組織 Y | aerial photography 航片 航空攝影 N

band-pass filter:带通滤波片

band model 能带模型 | band pass filter 带通滤波片 | band series 带系

bandpass filter:带通滤波器,带通滤光片

bandpass amplifier | 带通放大器 | bandpass filter | 带通滤波器,带通滤光片 | bandwidth | 带宽,频带宽度

ultraviolet bandpass filter:紫外带通滤光片

ultraviolet band 紫外区,紫外波段 | ultraviolet bandpass filter 紫外带通滤光片 | ultraviolet catastrophe 紫外灾变


plecton tablet 利胆通片 | plectrum 乐器拨弦片 | plenum fan 送气风扇

unanimously adopted:一致通過政治選舉

5415一致;皆;諸成語英美片語成語to a man; as one man | 5416一致通過政治選舉unanimously adopted | 5417一面文化新聞,傳播leaf

Akebia quinata:木通

木通(Akebia quinata)木通科木通属落叶或半常绿藤本,掌状复叶互生,常驻簇生于短枝顶端,小叶5片,倒卵形或长倒卵形. 总状花序腋生,花肉质色紫. 喜半荫,稍畏寒,喜富含腐殖质的酸性土壤. 繁殖可用播种、压条等法. 适于配植花架、门廊或攀附透空格墙、栅栏之上.

high-pass filtering:高通滤波

high-pass filter ==> 高通滤光片=>高域フィルタ | high-pass filtering ==> 高通滤波 | high-peak power ==> 高峰值功率


哔哔鸟玉米片 The Roadrunner,roadrunner就是华纳卡通的那只可爱的跑路鸟,而这道菜其实就是鸡肉加上墨西哥玉米片(Nachos)及新鲜的番茄及墨西哥辣椒作成,加上可口的热腾腾起士酱,笔者吃的相当开心.

bandpass filter:带通滤波器,带通滤光片

bandpass amplifier || 带通放大器 | bandpass filter || 带通滤波器,带通滤光片 | bandwidth || 带宽,频带宽度