英语人>词典>汉英 : 熏著的 的英文翻译,例句
熏著的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
smoky  ·  smokier

更多网络例句与熏著的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two-hundred horse-power scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two-hundred yards.


Hence we conclude that there is positively no real Atman; that there are only various consciousnesses which, since before the beginning of time, have followed one another, the subsequent one arising with the disappearance of the antecedent, and thus a continuous series of causes and effects (karmic seeds-actual dharmas-karmic seeds) is formed; and that, by the perfuming energy of false thinking, an image of a pseudo-Atman arises in the consciousness, and it is this pseudo-Atman which the ignorant take for a real Atman.

因此可以确定的说:一定毫无实实在在的我;只有诸识在自己无始开始存在以来,於分段生死中相续不断,自己的存在无始以来前灭后生,在因因果果、果果因因中相续不断,因著业力的虚妄熏习,出现假我的种种现象,就误以为有我,故无知的愚者自以为有ㄧ个实我。(韦达在此将《成唯识论》的「诸识」翻成「几种不同的识」,指的是种子识、末那识、眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意等八个识,在不同时空分段生死中,所起的外延与内涵、作用不同,所以才用「不同的」various一词。其次,他把「无始时来」翻成「since before the beginning of time」,就尚德对佛法的了解而言,佛法所指的「无始」不是指「时间的本身」,而是指众生生命开始的那个时刻,叫做「无始」。----------译者

The crowds wolfing down fiery pasta all'amatriciana or cacio e pepe (pecorino cheese and black pepper) include as few tourists as you're likely to find in Rome's historic center, even though they're steps away from one of the most overrun marvels, the Piazza Navona.

很多人在那里狼吞虎咽地吃著热腾腾的意大利辣酱细长面(pasta all'amatriciana ,里面有烟熏的猪胸肉, pancetta),和一叫做 cacio e pepe 的意面(里面有佩可里诺羊奶乾酪和黑胡椒),但其中游客非常少,虽然这里离游人最多的建筑奇迹纳沃纳广场仅几步之遥。

Full and deep cherry red colour. Ripe plums and damsons, with vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon and toasty vanillas.


更多网络解释与熏著的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baconian:培根哲学的, 归纳的 培根哲学的信仰者

bacon | 咸肉, 熏肉 | Baconian | 培根哲学的, 归纳的 培根哲学的信仰者 | Baconianism | 认为莎士比亚戏剧为培根所著的主张


为了制造出令人难忘的终结,Rock Princess被感性温暖的克什米尔香木(cashmere woods) 的香气笼罩著,还有烟熏的麝香(smoldering musk)、优雅的鸢尾花(iris)及幼滑的椰浆(coconut).


比如洗个热水浴,点上蜡烛和香熏;也可以读一本好书,写日记,涂指甲油,化妆;或是写一本虚构的自传,把自己的亲身经历放到现实中不存在的角色中;试著尝尝商店里的各类草药茶(有一种叫"姜饼"( Gingerbread)的Celestial Seasonings牌的药茶,

KOHL POWER:碳晶烟熏眼线笔

Painterly:裸米色 | Rubenesque:带著金色和粉色珠光的霜泽金色 | |碳晶烟熏眼线笔 KOHL POWER|

Smoky Mountains:斯莫基山脉(美)

1225smokya. 冒烟的,熏著的,呛人的 | 1226Smoky Mountains斯莫基山脉(美) | 1227snackn. 小吃,点心; v. 吃零食,吃点心


Baconian | 培根哲学的, 归纳的 培根哲学的信仰者 | Baconianism | 认为莎士比亚戏剧为培根所著的主张 | bacony | 熏肉一样的, 脂肪质的