英语人>词典>汉英 : 煤渣跑道 的英文翻译,例句
煤渣跑道 的英文翻译、例句


cinder path · cinder oval
更多网络例句与煤渣跑道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A 200-meter cinder track, this is our reality.


But he took off his sweater and they began jogging slowly around the cinder track.


Since then, the synthetic surface has taken the place of cinder track and has been acknowledged as the fastest track for sprinters and is also the preference of long distance runners.


Every subject should finish a 20-MST on four fields naming cemented road; cinder track; tabia ground; and Tartan every other day.


Modern tracks are made with a rubberized surface, while, older tracks may be of dirt or cinders.


However, such issues as what effects will be produced by the "inverse parabolic type" landing technique on moving techniques in the entire supporting stage, how to smoothly connect sprint techniques on different racetracks, how to enhance the applicabil-ity of the "reverse parabolic type" technique on cinder and clay racetracks, and how to provide technical diagnosis and guidance for athletes at different levels according to their technical characteristics, figure conditions and com-mon technical characteristics of athletes at the same level, need to be further studied.


更多网络解释与煤渣跑道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


obsession 热门话题 | bewildering 使人手足无措的 | dirt-tracks 煤渣跑道

cinder cone:火山灰

cinder block 煤渣砌块 | cinder cone 火山灰 | cinder track 跑道

cinder track:跑道

cinder cone 火山灰 | cinder track 跑道 | cinder 煤渣

cinder track:以细煤渣所铺的跑道

cinder spout | 流渣槽, 渣沟流嘴 | cinder track | 以细煤渣所铺的跑道 | cinder trials | 径赛

cinder track:煤渣跑道

安慰赛跑 consolation rice | 煤渣跑道 cinder track | 缠线标枪把手 cord grip


dirtfilthsmuttiness 污 | dirtily 卑陋地 | dirttrack 煤渣跑道


dirt-tracks 煤渣跑道 | Neanderthal 陈旧的 | trunk 长线


vaulting 撑竿跳高 | shot-putting 投掷铅球 | cinder track 以细煤渣所铺的跑道

cinder path:煤渣跑道

cinder patch || (钢锭表面从均热炉底)粘结的氧化皮疤 | cinder path || 煤渣跑道 | cinder pig iron || 夹渣生铁