英语人>词典>汉英 : 煞费苦心地 的英文翻译,例句
煞费苦心地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

with painful care
更多网络例句与煞费苦心地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is at pains to point out how much work she has done.


Attend the dancing party of into, each takes a lot of trouble a ground of disguises that attire the oneself, having basinet knight, the disguise that have spanish pirate, still the disguise that have eastern emperor.


Severus was alter accused of having been in youth a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the libellus of the Palestinian monks at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.

塞维鲁是改变被指控犯有在青年崇拜者的偶像和经销商神奇的艺术(所以libellus巴勒斯坦僧侣在安理会的536 ),和撒迦利亚是煞费苦心地驳斥这种诽谤间接的,虽然很长,由有关的有趣的故事,他们发现了一个囤积的偶像Menuthis在埃及和路由necromancers和enchanters在贝来图斯;在这两个漏洞的朋友塞维鲁了领导组成部分,并要求胜利撒迦利亚他们是否会与consorted塞维鲁了,他不同意他们的仇恨异教和巫术。

She bethought herself greatly before selecting place of meeting


The Kuomintang officials carefully explained they had taken the pictures from the dead soldier's pockets, just a few days before.


He was elaborately courteous to her as if they were both actors in a play.


Should search engine only more than, want to search a service to did not form absolutely forestall only, search engine is about in a steady stream has the effect land of elaborative rack one's brains in scheming is important and urgently to collect all blame to repeat network content businesslikely ceaselessly.


Age might possibly have thrown its blighting frosts on his thin locks, but art had labored to conceal the ravages with the nicest care.

James Fenimore Cooper, The Pilot 暮年也许在他稀疏的头发上撒下了使万物凋萎的严霜,但他有煞费苦心地花了很大气力,来巧妙地掩饰岁月摧残的痕迹。

"Curtilage " the days of the move, it is the truest most relaxation ego, need not wear the high-heeled shoes that torments crus, need not hair of Dai Rangshuang eye is acerbity invisible glasses, need not consider the idea of boss elaboratively, always need not smile to greet sb with the person, can spend the time afternoon, patient ground gives him Bao beautiful soup of one handleless cup, next recline is on sofa, the edge drinks Shang Bian to the television alone height is foolish happy, still have happier than this life?


While the disaster gradually slumbering in the womb of theoretical culture gradually begins to frighten modern man, and he anxiously ransacks the stores of his experience for means to avert the danger, though he has no great faith in these means; while he, therefore, begins to divine the consequences of his situation--great men, universally gifted, have contrived, with an incredible amount of thought, to make use of the paraphernalia of science itself, to point out the limits and the relativity of knowledge generally, and thus to deny decisively the claim of science to universal validity and universal aims.


更多网络解释与煞费苦心地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


opulent 豪华的 | lovingly 煞费苦心地 | restore 修复


科技发达,更精密而有系统地建构许多"理事"的方法,如作业研究(O.R.) 、计画评核术 (PERT)、系统分析、以及预算控制等等,为了把人"管"好,令其按照既定的计画去"理事",心理学家、行为学者真是煞费苦心,绞尽脑汁.

with painful care:煞费苦心地

6854with one accord一致地,一致同意的 | 6855with painful care煞费苦心地 | 6856with patience耐心地

aborally:离口地, 对口地

aboral | 离口的, 对口的 | aborally | 离口地, 对口地 | aborative | 仔细的, 精心的, 煞费苦心的

He cudgeled(racked,beat)his brains over these problems:对于这些难题,他煞费苦心地思索

She put her best foot forward in the performance.她在这次演出... | He cudgeled(racked,beat)his brains over these problems.对于这些难题,他煞费苦心地思索. | He put his finger on her weakness.他中肯地指出...

The Black Cat:黑猫

在<<黑猫>>(The Black Cat)中,我们读到:"谁未曾,无数次发现,自己做了坏事或傻事,唯一的理由是,他知道他不应该这样做. " 为了探究诡异奇特的心理活动,爱伦坡不厌其烦地描述人物癫狂极端的情绪. 他的短篇小说具有煞费苦心的缜密风格,