英语人>词典>汉英 : 煎 的英文翻译,例句
煎 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
fries  ·  fry  ·  frying  ·  decoct  ·  decocted  ·  decocting  ·  decocts

fry in shallow oil · simmer in water
更多网络例句与煎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the same time,the content of polar compounds in soybean oil,colza oil, peanut oil and palm oil increaed by


Type of oral or topical medicine back milk drug can also have better effects, such as speculation malt 120g, add water煎汤, sub-3 second warm clothes; or eat a bowl of milk, add a little sugar; or first milk aspiration, using skin Nitramine 50 ~ 60g, placed gauze bag, external application on the breast, after deliquescence timely replacement of 3 to 4 times daily.

口服或外用中药类回奶药亦可有较好效果,如炒麦芽120g ,加水汤,分3次温服;或食豆浆1碗,加少许白砂糖;或先将乳汁吸出,用皮硝50~60g ,置于纱布袋中,外敷于乳房,潮解后需及时更换,每日3~4次。

Systemic therapy: Cyperus, 12 grams each Equisetum煎服, dregs outside partial rub, for the 7-10 day course of treatment can disappear off疣体. 3, the virus will not invasive cardiopulmonary 4, that can cure 5, died may also disappear naturally.


In order for the baby to eat the things he does not love, it is necessary to use his form can not choose to feed, or the food crumble on the porridge, the煎包dishes or make soft egg rolls.


The experimental results show:the mineral medicine and the animal medicine which having rigid texture,for example Fluoritum and Carapax Trionycis,should be broken into 60 mesh,added 10 doubl...


But the long-term use of hormone containing ointment on the baby well, if the situation is not very serious, you can use wild chrysanthemum, Kochia scoparia, Sophora flavescens煎水wash the affected area.


Measles is a hot and humid disease, precursor period辛凉through the main table with acteoside Puerarin soup; rash period Qingrejiedu透疹mainly gypsum used Sanhuang Xijiao Dihuang soup or soup, recipes duckweed, Health Mahuang, fresh-Zhi Tang, 15 grams of the Liu River,煎水cloth, with cooler temperatures dip wet with a towel after the rash rash help site through hair; recovery to Yangyin Qing heat and adjust the main spleen, Adenophora Maidong Decoction used.


Can eat "foods can lower blood pressure", such as celery, have a good blood pressure lowering effect, especially celery root煎服better; water chestnuts, jellyfish head: The 1-22, wash away the salt, making soup drink name "Snow soup," have a good blood pressure lowering effect; spinach containing protein, cellulose, sucrose, glucose, fructose and vitamin B, C, D, K, P, can be used as the treatment of hypertension and diabetes medicinal food; taking royal jelly for three abnormal lipid disorders, arteriosclerosis, arrhythmia, diabetes and other diseases also have a good effect.


The results showed that The ratio of the compositions of the two extracts are different, and the extract rate of the main chemical substances are high in extract decocted together than in extract decocted single.


Stick with pasta or noodles sorghum skin, or brown sugar do枣泥stuffing, wrap after pressure into oblate-shaped, fried tray painted in oil,煎熟consumption.


更多网络解释与煎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chicken Chow Mein:雞球炒麵或煎麵

海鮮炒麵或麵 Seafood chow mein 6.50 | 雞球炒麵或麵 Chicken chow mein 4.50 | 牛肉炒麵或麵 Beef chow mein 4.50

Roasted Duck and Onion Comfit on Pancake:烤鴨煎餅

餅Pancake | 68. 烤鴨餅 Roasted Duck and Onion Comfit on Pancake | 69. 燻鮭魚餅 Smoked Salmon and Sour Cream Pancake

Chicken croquette:清煎鸡肉饼

鸡蛋 Fried eggs | 清鸡肉饼 Chicken croquette | 清鲤鱼 Fried carp

veal cutlet:煎小牛排

牛排 beef steak | 小牛排 veal cutlet | 猪排 pork chop


剂为常用的剂型,以前医师开药给病人到药材店买(抓)药,回家煮,出含有效成分浓液叫剂(decoction). 加热煮过程会使草药产生物理变化. 如毛细作用(capillary action)、渗透作用(osamosis). 水分进入植物把有效成分溶于水.

over easy:煎两面且煎得软的

Over 两面的(蛋的程度) | Over easy 两面且得软的 | Over hard 两面且得硬的

fried egg:煎荷包蛋

fries还有一种是Walmart熟食部(Deli)卖的那种粗粗大大的在美国餐厅吃荷包蛋(fried egg)必须告知厨师如何. 若仅要单面,就说sunny-side up;若要两面,且得嫩嫩的,则说over easy;两面,得全熟的叫over hard.


膏剂(electuary)系指中药材用水煮,去渣浓缩后,加糖或炼蜜制成的稠厚半流体状制剂,也称膏滋. 膏剂药效以滋补为主,兼有缓慢的治疗作用(如调经、止咳等). 膏剂应无焦臭、异味,无糖的结晶析出.

over hard:煎两面且煎得硬的

Over easy 两面且得软的 | Over hard 两面且得硬的 | Pickle (以盐、醋)淹泡,淹渍

sunny side up:单面煎

单面:单面(Sunny Side Up)蛋黄使呈嫩软状. 2. 双面:双面(Turnover)又可分为两面嫩(Over Easy)为半熟,两面熟(Over Hard)为全熟1. 中熟(Mediun):蛋黄呈液状软状,但似呈金黄色,约煮4 ~ 6 分钟. 2. 全熟(Hard)蛋黄呈硬状,呈黄白色,