英语人>词典>汉英 : 烹饪书 的英文翻译,例句
烹饪书 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Broadcaster: And I am a huge fan of your cookbooks.


When Ryback began exploring Hitler's collection, he discovered that a copy of the writings of the Prussian general Carl von Clausewitz was nestled beside a French vegetarian cookbook inscribed to "Monsieur Hitler végétarien."

Ryback 在翻看希特勒的藏书时,他发现一本普鲁士将军 Carl Von Clausewitz 的书紧挨着一本法国素食烹饪书,上书:素食者希特勒先生( Monsieur Hitler végétarien。

And I want it to be more than just a cookbook.


I'm not in the mood to write a cookbook right now.


Bree: Here's my cookbook.


Maybe it isn't a cookbook.


Mr. Cook sent to a cook: Look at this cook-book ,it's very good.


In Gu Ge headquarters advocate the first cooking book that Charlie Aiyesi publishs hutch recently " food 2: Google predecessor advocate the secret of hutch " in, ground of handle of his strike back imparts the making method of nearly 150 kinds of dish, include cereal song person to like most " Charlie is made closely oaten roll " and " Gu Ge fascia flavors juice ".


And when you already know it, go buy a recipe book and start cooking!

还有, 你已知道这些细节了,就买一本烹饪书,开始学做!

Fannie Merritt Farmer in her Boston Cooking-School Cook Book of 1896 gave recipes for both types of muffins, distinguishing one as "raised" and adding instructions for a version that is nearly identical to today's "English muffin".

Fannie Merritt Farmer在她所著的《1896年波士顿烹饪学校烹饪书》中给出了这两种muffin的食谱,其中一种需要&烘制&的烹饪方法与今日的&English muffin&如出一辙。

更多网络解释与烹饪书相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do you like reading:平时你爱看书吗

You like saving money and cooking.你平时喜欢存款和烹饪. | Do you like reading?平时你爱看书吗? | like+动词不定式结构说明一种即将开始的动作. 例如:


1597年,杰勒德(Gerard)写的>一书伴随着殖民者一起开疆扩土,这本书指导了开拓者们如何种植草本植物用于医疗或者用于烹饪. 威廉斯伯格成为弗吉尼亚州的州府,同时也是早期美国筑园的中心. 最早的新教徒们因为反对独裁统治而移居到了美洲这个蛮荒之地,




story 故事 (5B9) | storybook (尤指供儿童阅读的)故事书 (3B1) | stove (供烹饪用的)火炉;煤炉;电炉 (5A8)


13.Coca-cola 可口可乐 | 14.Cookbooks 烹饪书 | 15.Cosmopolitan 大都

Write cookbooks:写几本有关烹饪的书

I was going to go to a fancy cooking school.|我本打算去一个厨艺学校 | Write cookbooks.|写几本有关烹饪的书 | Make people fall in love with baking again.|让糕点制作再次获得青睐