英语人>词典>汉英 : 热情的 的英文翻译,例句
热情的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ebullient  ·  enthusiastic  ·  hot  ·  intense  ·  passionate  ·  tropical  ·  zealous  ·  zestfully  ·  zestfulness  ·  appassionata  ·  appassionato  ·  hotheaded  ·  passional  ·  hotted  ·  hotting  ·  intenser  ·  keenest  ·  warmest

更多网络例句与热情的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My dad is a passionate construction worker, passion went on to me.


By all means,passionately seek the face of God, but don't assume that emotionaldeadness – a normal phase of anyone's spiritual life – impliesspiritual deadness.

当然 我们是要热情的寻求神,但是别以为当热情冷却时,就意味著没有灵命。

Ardent 热情的 Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.


PASSION Mineral: Kunzite Kunzite is holding the tone of passion in the language of light.

热情 矿石:紫锂辉石紫锂辉石持有光之语中热情的音调。

It was the last bit of passion left in these men: the passion for making a display. Sexually they were passionless , even dead.


The salesman at the silversmith's was willing to help and brought out quite a number of ladles and displayed them in front of me so that I could choose.


L Drapable dimension in cotton/silk blends棉与真丝混纺悬垂织物l Subtle tonalities in stripes条纹织物的优雅色调l Knit ottoman with a compact appearance紧凑外观的棱纹织物 Home家纺系列 An Unrehearsed balance combines greys with a whitened aqua and strident fuchsia.


Keep a good house 我没有好的房子 I haven't got a good house, but I'll keep a good house.

但我会招待周到的了如指掌热情的让人受不了 96。

If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another armly warbling warbler, which warmly warbling warbler warbles warmest?


If a person does not warm, he will come to naught, and the passionate sense of responsibility datum.""


更多网络解释与热情的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arent aj:极热心的;热情的

urbane aj. 温文的;文雅的 | arent aj. 极热心的;热情的 | earnest 热情的,认真的

give sb a bear hug:给某人一个热情的拥抱

bear hug:热情的拥抱 | give sb. a bear hug:给某人一个热情的拥抱 | 11.business n.事(私人的事情)


"当然,这里的鼓励和赞美需要是真实的(TRUE),即及时的(timely),有回应的(Responsive),无条件的(Unconditional),热情的(Enthusiastic) 在管理的过程中,佩吉逐步地实践了"共好"理念,在很短时间内这个公司就变成整个集团里面绩效最好的公司,

fervent: a.1:炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的

enlightened: a.开明的,有知识的,摆脱偏见(或迷信)的,文明的 | fervent: a.1.炽热的 2.热情的,热诚的,强烈的 | undermine: v.1.侵蚀...的基础 2.暗中破坏,逐渐损害(或削弱)

fervent: a.1:白热的,炽热的 2.热诚的,热心的,热情的

fireplace n.壁炉 | fervent a.1.白热的,炽热的 2.热诚的,热心的,热情的 | fiery a.1.燃烧着的,火红的 2.易怒的,暴躁的 3.激烈的,充满激情的

madly:我的意思是 她是完美的 疯狂的 富有热情的

You never have to worry about it.|你不必去... | I mean, she's completely, madly, passionately...|我的意思是 她是完美的 疯狂的 富有热情的 | Like cow-jump-over-the-moon in love with you.|就像牛跳出了月球...

passionately:我的意思是 她是完美的 疯狂的 富有热情的

You never have to worry about it.|你不必去... | I mean, she's completely, madly, passionately...|我的意思是 她是完美的 疯狂的 富有热情的 | Like cow-jump-over-the-moon in love with you.|就像牛跳出了月球...


apparitor | 执行官, 布告者, 宫廷使者 | appassionata | 热情的 | appassionato | 热情的 热情的

allegro appassionato:[意]热情的快板

alla punta[意]用弓尖(Spitze). | allegro appassionato[意]热情的快板. | allegro assai vivo[意]热情的快板.


passingly /顺便/ | passional /热情的/易怒的/情欲的/圣徒受难记/ | passionate /多情的/善感的/易怒的/热烈的/热情的/热情/