英语人>词典>汉英 : 炒米 的英文翻译,例句
炒米 的英文翻译、例句


parched rice · millet stir-fried in butter
更多网络例句与炒米相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I a see menu top write:Oil fried peanut rice, five muskmelon son, egg form chocolate, clip a heart biscuit, butter egg, sweetmeat olives and fry the rice flower, hawthorn Gao, soda, ice-cream


Fried rice,brown sugar and other materials were used to ferment by nature while formed a special velum at the same time.


I contented myself with thesediscoveries for this time, and came back, musing with myself whatcourse I might take to know the virtue and goodness of any of thefruits or plants which I should discover, but could bring it to noconclusion; for, in short, I had made so little observation while Iwas in the Brazils, that I knew little of the plants in the field;at least, very little that might serve to any purpose now in mydistress.


But when called on those who took the money, he found that: parched rice flower is the four corners of money, a pound of fruit juice is a dollar four corners of money can be Guolao a dollar only to its own four corners of money!


Eating,烤羊腿, hand meat, cheese, milk curd, cream,炒米, Y plane and so on, have a good foundation for the expansion.


更多网络解释与炒米相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


尼泊尔人(Nepalese)在每年秋季第一个月的10日要将炒米、饼干等食品放在自家清理干净的屋顶上,等待乌鸦来"享用". 在印度尼西亚(Indonesia)加里曼丹岛北部地区,人们在每年的5月17日这一天,都要进山给猴子送食物,并请乐队进山为猴子们演奏乐曲.

Rice Noodles Pottage:米粉羹

三絲炒米苔目 Fried Pork Mi Tai Ma | 米粉羹 Rice Noodles Pottage | 擔擔米粉 Dan Dan Rice Noodles

Butter many privates:牛油多士(多私)

星州炒米 The star state fries the rice | 牛油多士(多私) Butter many privates | 薄牛扒三文治 The thin cow picks three text cure.

Chuzhou Ravioli:淮饺(炒米馄饨)

丁沟水饺 Dinggou Boiled Dumplings | 淮饺(炒米馄饨) Chuzhou Ravioli | 小纪熬面 Xiaoji Noodle

beng ddie:冰棍--冰条

爆米花--炒米花cuo mei ho | 冰棍--冰条beng ddie | 冰激凌--冰淇淋beng zzii leng


炒米店统(上寒武纪) Chaumitien Series | 萧托夸(上泥盆纪) Chautauquan | 瑟西期(中奥陶纪) Chazyan Age


chaumitienseries 炒米店统 | chavibetol 蒌叶醇 | chavicine 异胡椒碱 胡椒脂碱

puffed rice:炒米

pop-rice 爆米花 | puffed rice 炒米 | instant noodles 方便面