英语人>词典>汉英 : 灵媒的 的英文翻译,例句
灵媒的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After he had passed over he did his damnedest, via a British medium, to keep in touch with Hans, who had emigrated to New York.


It converts part of the physical mass of the mediums body into another substance, ectoplasm.


It converts part of the physical mass of the mediums body into ano the r substance, ectoplasm.


I recall one day asking one of my friends if he thought I was fraudulently ripping people off and he said,"I know you believe you're psychic, and I know you're not trying to rip people off, but everyone knows psychic abilities aren't real so I think you're probably deluded but not intentionally trying to hurt anyone."


In order to put an end to Carl, he has found with the specter of a medium of communication Horta, and through her contact with Molly.


What do you think of the psyche?


For the last couple of days I've been visiting… well, psychics, I guess would be the term.


Perhaps it was because I expected that people would judge me for who I was and not based on some preconceived idea about psychics.


As far as the subject of psychics in general, it's important to understand that all mediums are psychics, but not all psychics are mediums.


The artist's work was mediumistic ("Painting is stronger than me, it makes me do what it wants"), solipsistic even.


更多网络解释与灵媒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


下面是一些常见的例子灵媒外科(Psychic Surgery)催眠治疗法(Hypnotherapy)观想法(Visualization)气功(Qi Gong). 现代心理学已采纳很多新纪元技术两者混合的迹象愈来愈明显. 其实心理学老早已在心理上为新纪元运动铺路.

psychical:灵魂的; 精神的 (形)

psychic 巫女, 心灵研究, 灵媒 (名) | psychical 灵魂的; 精神的 (形) | psychically 精神上, 心灵上 (副)

tarot cards:塔罗牌

某些新纪元活动压根儿是秘术活动,形式包括:占星术、星座运程、占卜、神视、过阴、招魂、通灵、灵媒、塔罗牌(tarot cards)等等. 圣经明文谴责这些事:"你们中间不可有人使儿女经火,也不可有占卜的、观兆的、用法术的、行邪术的、用迷术的、交鬼的、行巫术的、过阴的.

Teleplasty by which an ectoplasmic medium:是心灵重塑,通过灵媒

Plastic. Very modern.|塑料,高科技呢 | Teleplasty by which an ectoplasmic medium,|是心灵重塑,通过灵媒... | such as Dr. Krauss, can control inanimate things,|比如说克劳斯博士,能控制无生命的物体


mediumintermediarymatchmakergo-between 媒 | mediumistic 灵媒的 | mediummediaamboceptorcating 介质

The Mystery of Edwin Drood:艾德温 德鲁德之谜

我感觉自己就像是一个被鬼神附体的灵媒,在莫扎特的亲自指导下,"谱写"一部新的交响乐章,或是听着查尔斯.狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的口述,完成<<艾德温.德鲁德之谜>>(The Mystery of Edwin Drood).

palmists:灵媒、占卜师、看手相的、神婆 各种鬼玩意儿我都见过了

Your 'psychic energy'?|... | I've seen mediums, crystal-gazers, palmists, spirit-guides,|灵媒、占卜师、看手相的、神婆 各种鬼玩意儿我都见过了 | theatres fit to bust with psychic energy, Mrs. McGarvie!|戏院...

I've seen mediums, crystal-gazers, palmists, spirit-guides:灵媒、占卜师、看手相的、神婆 各种鬼玩意儿我都见过了

Your 'psychic energy'?|... | I've seen mediums, crystal-gazers, palmists, spirit-guides,|灵媒、占卜师、看手相的、神婆 各种鬼玩意儿我都见过了 | theatres fit to bust with psychic energy, Mrs. McGarvie!|戏院...

binary form:二元形式

动倒在英国Shiffwork艺术机构编舞家克里斯汀.维特(ChirstinnWhyte)的手中,是分析、计算动作模式的"灵媒",克里斯汀以动画原理来研究动作顺序之间的视觉幻象,着迷于动作的数学美感,比如<<二元形式>>(Binary Form)开始几乎察觉不到动作的味道,

Anjelica Huston:安吉里卡.休斯顿

在第四季的<<灵媒缉凶>>中,安吉里卡-休斯顿(Anjelica Huston)将出演6集. NBC明年初周一晚间档的电视节目还有九点的<<Deal or No Deal>>和八点的<<American Gladiators>>,这两部真人秀将为<<灵媒缉凶>>的回归奠定一定的人气基础.