英语人>词典>汉英 : 灭顶之灾 的英文翻译,例句
灭顶之灾 的英文翻译、例句


crowning calamity · be swamped in the vast ocean · The Happening
更多网络例句与灭顶之灾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Call twists and turns, because here was experienced a lot of times,be fall the process that climbs again, experienced the disaster of forum, experienced fraud, experienced acedia process.


Tremendous changes in China, a large number of animals and plants will be subjected to group drowned.


In history the social effects of the calamitous floods can ruin a country.


Every cetacean known to man is endangered just by going anywhere near Japan.


For nowadays human science and technology level and self-discipline ability but speech, not only irresistibility these nature and factitiousness result in to drown of disaster, connect to foresee when and where occurrence?


But on Praxis the dead walked-those Sentinels who had escaped the destruction of the Farrago, and, unknown to them, a deadly host of archaic creatures returned to life in the bowels of the planet's abandoned Genesis Pits...


Dubai is not the only onetime highflier that risks drowning in debt.


In order to do this, I gathered a great heapof grapes in one place, a lesser heap in another place, and a greatparcel of limes and lemons in another place; and taking a few ofeach with me, I travelled homewards; resolving to come again, andbring a bag or sack, or what I could make, to carry the rest home.


This is meant, form dimensions sadly in recent years " TV is interactive game industry " face the possibility disaster.


NEXT day, towards night, we laid up under a little willow towhead out in the middle, where there was a village on each side of the river, and the duke and the king begun to lay out a plan for working them towns.


更多网络解释与灭顶之灾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every cetacean known to man is endangered:所有人类已知的鲸类

so they go buy them in Taiji now.|所以他们现在只能从太地町进口 | Every cetacean known to man is endangered|所有人类已知的鲸类 | just by going anywhere near Japan.|只要靠近日本,就将遭受灭顶之灾

Crushing Despair:灭顶之灾

Chill Touch 冻寒之触 | Crushing Despair 灭顶之灾 | Fog Cloud 云雾术

Keep one's head high:趾高气扬,扬眉吐气

Keep one's head above the water 免遭灭顶之灾 | Keep one's head high 趾高气扬,扬眉吐气 | At the head of 带头,领头

keep one's head above water:免遭灭顶之灾

keep one's hair on 保持冷静 | keep one's head above water 免遭灭顶之灾 | keep one's head 保持冷静

the Kremlin:苏联政府

Madison Avenue 美国广告业中心 | The Kremlin 苏联政府 | to meet one's Waterloo 遭遇一次灭顶之灾


其中的破伤风菌溶血素(tetanolysin)和破伤风痉挛素(tetanospasmin)对人危害最大. 破伤风杆菌不需要像别的细菌那样进入人体、大量繁殖才产生危害,它们像毒蛇一样,只要将这些有毒物质排入血液,人就会面临灭顶之灾.

keep one's hair on:保持冷静

keep one's fingers crossed 祈愿 | keep one's hair on 保持冷静 | keep one's head above water 免遭灭顶之灾

Keep one's head above the water:免遭灭顶之灾

Put one's head in a tar barrel自陷危境 | Keep one's head above the water 免遭灭顶之灾 | Keep one's head high 趾高气扬,扬眉吐气

just by going anywhere near Japan:只要靠近日本,就将遭受灭顶之灾

Every cetacean known to man is endangered|所有... | just by going anywhere near Japan.|只要靠近日本,就将遭受灭顶之灾 | We asked the Taiji fishermen if we could subsidize this activity--|我们问太地町的渔...


"不是作家艾米莉.狄金森(Emily Dickinson)和波普钢琴大师赛罗尼斯.蒙克(Thelonious Monk),而是好莱坞电影,情景喜剧(sitcoms),流行音乐,浪漫小说,视频网站(YouTube),充斥从突尼斯到德黑兰的阿拉伯大街,不管是温和的还是极端的穆斯林都感到灭顶之灾.