英语人>词典>汉英 : 灭绝的 的英文翻译,例句
灭绝的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In China, conservation efforts have already failed to protect the Yangtze River dolphin, the first large aquatic mammal to go extinct since the Caribbean monk seal in the 1950s.


"This represents the first global extinction of a large vertebrate for over 50 years, only the fourth disappearance of an entire mammal family since AD 1500, and the first cetacean species to be driven to extinction by human activity."


Many of the earth's plants and animals have died out, and several other species are endangered.


The Pyrenean Ibex has one of the more interesting stories among extinct animals, since it was the first species to ever be brought back into existence via cloning, only to go extinct again just seven minutes after being born due to lung failure.


The results demonstrate that the thylacine Col2A1 in vitro, this is the first example of the restoration of extinct non-coding DNA and examination of its function in vivo .


University of Texas, the United States and Australia counterparts from more than 70 years ago was officially announced extinction thylacine (also known as the Tasmanian tiger) extracted isolated gene implantation mouse embryo and show function, which is extinct types Gene the first time in living organisms on another function to prove that the extinction of animal DNA are likely to be activated.


Miller, a paleobiologist and professor of geology at the University of Cincinnati, says the new study is striking because it establishes a clear relationship between the tempo of mass extinction events and changes in sea level and sediment: Over the years, researchers have become fairly dismissive of the idea that marine mass extinctions like the great extinction of the Late Permian might be linked to sea-level declines, even though these declines are known to have occurred many times throughout the history of life.


Due to the fact that creation is premised on the idea of extinction, the extinction clues are inherent in the creation itself.


At present, 34000 kinds of plants are threatened by extinction with 100 of species are extincted everyday.


In truth, agreement on the cause of the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous (when not only the dinosaurs, but also a host of other species died) has never been as cut and dried among palaeontologists as it may have appeared to the public.


更多网络解释与灭绝的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ammonobase | 氨基金属 | ammonoid | 菊石(已灭绝的头足动物) | ammonol | 安莫诺(苯乙酰胺、苯胺与迄盐制剂止痛药)

be on the way to extinction:接近灭绝的边缘

artistic value 艺术价值 | be on the way to extinction 接近灭绝的边缘 | be passed down 传递


上个星期天和同学们一起去了阳光动物园,看见一些濒临灭绝的(endangered)动物. 解说员(guide)给你们讲了一些动物面临的危险和原因. 这次经历影响了你很多. 你决定写一封信给报社,呼吁人们保护动物.

endangered animals:濒临灭绝的动物

15世界上最重要的湿地之一one of the world's most important wetlands | 16濒临灭绝的动物endangered animals | 17在数字上的变化the changes in the numbers

be endangered:濒临灭绝的

4.be like 像... | 5.be endangered 濒临灭绝的 | 6.how big 多大

endangered animal:濒临灭绝的动物

end view 端视图 | endangered animal 濒临灭绝的动物 | endangered species 濒危物种


此是距离方法允许我们推论灭绝的(extinct)祖先的属性,在这个案例中是灭绝的(extinct)核苷序列. 距离方法(Distance Methods)需要在树建筑之前的在所有序列之间计算的成对距离. 一旦获得距离矩阵,就可以利用各种方法来计算树.

no longer in existence:绝种的,灭绝的

This is a rare species of rose. 这是一种罕见的玫瑰. | 13. extinct adj. 绝种的,灭绝的 no longer in existence | Dinosaurs are extinct animals. 恐龙是已经绝种的动物.

on the verge of extinction:处于灭绝的边缘

objective adj.客观的 | on the verge of extinction 处于灭绝的边缘 | open up 展开,打开,开发


存活,幸存 survive | 灭绝的;绝种的 extinctive | 保护区 reserve