英语人>词典>汉英 : 火线 的英文翻译,例句
火线 的英文翻译、例句


battle line · caustic line
更多网络例句与火线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lenovo E255 Zhaoyang the basic hardware configuration: Intel Centrino mobile technology, Pentium-M-1.4G processor, Intel 855GM chipset, 855GM chipset, 256M RAM, 30G hard disk, 14.1-inch liquid crystal display, Intel 855GM graphics accelerator card dynamic allocation of memory, DVD drive, 4 USB 2.0 interface, an IEEE1394 FireWire interface, built-in wireless LAN card; adaptive 10/100 megabit network card, and other interface ports full weight 2.5KG, intelligent and efficient lithium ion battery (official battery life 3 hours).

再就是贵点的:联想昭阳E255的基本硬件配置为:英特尔迅驰移动计算技术的Pentium-M-1.4G处理器, Intel 855GM芯片组、855GM芯片组、256M内存、30G硬盘、14.1英寸液晶显示屏、Intel 855GM图形加速卡动态分配显存、DVD光驱、4个USB 2.0接口、一个IEEE1394火线接口、内置无线局域网卡;10/100兆自适应网卡、其他端口接口齐全、重量2.5KG 、高效智能锂离子电池(官方公布电池使用时间3小时)。

Nevertheless, almost immediately, Jordanian forces opened fire all along the armistice line and shelled western Jerusalem.


But though towards the end of the battle the men felt all the horror of their actions, though they would have been glad to cease, some unfathomable, mysterious force still led them on, and the artillerymen—the third of them left—soaked with sweat, grimed with powder and blood, and panting with weariness, still brought the charges, loaded, aimed, and lighted the match; and the cannon balls flew as swiftly and cruelly from each side and crushed human flesh, and kept up the fearful work, which was done not at the will of men, but at the will of Him who sways men and worlds.


However, the strength of a man all but never arrived, so the importance of team battle unparalleled in the firing line.


Because our annealing equipment is the CKT-25 continual uniform temperature spheroidization draws back the firing line to be different with the ordinary bell glass stove, the well type stove, the trolley type stove and so on, our equipment's chamber size for the height 50 centimeters, the width 80 centimeters, the chamber space is smaller than far the above type of furnace, the unit space attire stove quantity also far is smaller than the above type of furnace.


As a Chicha stadium was once famous wrestling master, Hao Cheng Guang this point is very clear: no fewer than FireWire minor injuries.


Finally, Fireteam Bravo 3 also features a regenerating health system, allowing players to regain life if they can survive incoming fire and the visual fogginess that engulfs a wounded fireteam member..


Lathe Machining can realize automation or semiautomation with 2300mm of the maximum processing diameter. In addition, the processing range has been enlarged and processing precision has been upgraded for adding the heating-treatment shaft annealing furnace, carburizing furnace, handspike annealing line and quenching line with protected gas. Through technological reconstruction and equipment renewing, the grinding processing ability has been strengthened. As well, casting copper in cage workshop has realized melting by electric furnace.


Can hope for the first time come into contact with friends across the line of fire more quickly understanding that we joinedthe line of fire fighting the battle to enjoy happiness!


Ghost crossing the line of fire jump method has been more transparent, but really across the line of fire to achieve capable class is still relatively small, the following for you under the combination of skills and ghosts button to jump under the guidance of actual combat.


更多网络解释与火线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ceasefire line:停火线

Basic Education and Life Skills Programme;基础教育和生活技能方案;;UNESCO | ceasefire line;停火线;CFL; | ceasefire violation;违反停火;CFV;

check line:阻火线<与火灾控制线成直角地建立的临时防火线

check damper 风挡 | check line 阻火线<与火灾控制线成直角地建立的临时防火线 | check list 检查表

Der Clown:<火线战将>

火爆场景摒除电脑制作,真刀真枪制造逼真现场感. 30辆宝马集体"自杀",德式狂风暴雨般火爆场面堪称史上最壮烈的电影结尾. SMARTER影视频道提供众多影视作品信息,您在查询的火线战将 (Der clown)是电影行业的知名品牌,聪明点为...

a cushy one:不要紧的伤, 不危险的伤(可以借此退出火线)

a curtain lecture | 妻子私下对丈夫的训斥 | a cushy one | 不要紧的伤, 不危险的伤(可以借此退出火线) | a cut above | 高一等, 比强些

Seven/The Seven Deadly Sins:七宗罪/火线追缉令

139.Broken Arrow 断箭行动 | 140.七宗罪/火线追缉令Seven/The Seven Deadly Sins | 141.撕裂末日/撕裂的末日Equilibrium

fire lane:防火线

火线 Fire-break | 防火线 Fire-lane | 防火线 Fire-line

firing line:火线

"除了>以外,勃克莱同时也主持一个名叫"开火线"(Firing Line)的电视讨论节目. 这个节目一共历时三十三年,自一九六六年直至一九九九年. 我自己就是这个节目之迷,每星期日就要收听勃克莱与应邀之客舌战.

firing line:引火线;流水作业线

firing line method 流水作业法 | firing line 引火线;流水作业线 | firing mechanism 发火装置

firing line:战线,火线

战死的精英一代/lost generation | 战线,火线/firing line | 战友/comrade in arms

On The Firing Line:在火线上

58. On Revenues 论收入 | 59. On The Firing Line 在火线上 | 60. On the Ruin of Britain 论不列颠的毁灭