英语人>词典>汉英 : 火棉 的英文翻译,例句
火棉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
celloidin  ·  colloxylin  ·  trinitrocellulose  ·  pyroxilins  ·  pyroxyline

gun cotton
更多网络例句与火棉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods All archival serial celloidin sections of temporal bones are stored in the temporal bone bank of PLA general hospital.


Methods: As the agent of adhibiting tissue section, white latex and glutin were used in the immunohistochemical process of celloidin section.


2Mm in thicknesson transversal plane using celloidin embedding technique.

火棉胶包埋技术将 6例成人头颅标本制备成厚 0 。

Methods: Adopting improved celloidin embedding technique, 40 adult thoracolumbar spinal specimens were made serial coronal, sagittal and transverse sections with the thickness of 0.25mm. The morphologic characteristics and adjacent relations of structures concerning with central and lateral vertebral canal and intervertebral foramina were surveyed and measured.


And the brains were got, post fixed, dehydrated gradiently in the alcohol, then impregnated andembedded in the celloidin, sliced into 90μm thick. The slices with the biggest dorsal hippocampus were stained by the alkali phosphatase method, then routine mounting.


Objective To evaluate the collodion -enhancing technique for thin paraffin sections of the gallstones.

目的 :评估火棉胶增强技术在胆囊结石切片中的应用。

Gibbons is both a classical and regional photographer, an aspect that is note unusual as the wet collodion process requires one to carry the processing equipment into the field. It is also large:14×11 inches-the size of the camera.

Gibbons 是专业的古典摄影师,一方面关注的领域是可以达到湿版火棉胶摄影法需求的设备,同时也对:14×11英尺的相机很感兴趣。

Carbon nanotube ; Collodion ; Complex membrane ; Spectrophotometry


One method of preparation new membrane materials was presented with putting multi-wall carbon nanotube and carboxylic multi-wall carbon nanotube in collodion solution.


A highly flammable, colorless or yellowish syrupy solution of pyroxylin, ether, and alcohol, used as an adhesive to close small wounds and hold surgical dressings, in topical medications, and for making photographic plates.


更多网络解释与火棉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


地窖給濕 cellar moistening | 火棉,火棉膠,純硝酸纖維素 celloidin | 賽璐玢,黏膠薄膜(俗稱玻璃紙) cellophane

celloidin section:火棉胶切片

除石蜡切片外,在制作较大结构(如眼球、睾丸等)的切片时,常用火棉胶包埋法;骨和牙等坚硬的组织,可用弱酸(稀硝酸)脱钙后,用石蜡或火棉胶切片(celloidin section)法制成切片标本;还有,为了较好地保存细胞内的酶活性或尽快制成切片标本的需要,

celloidin paper:火棉纸 赛珞纸

Celloide | 瑟尔卢瓦德(粘胶纤维原液染色用颜料) | celloidin paper | 火棉纸 赛珞纸 | celloidin | 火棉胶,火棉


collochemistry 胶体化学 | collodion 火棉胶,胶棉 | collodion dressing 火棉胶敷料

collodion dressing:火棉胶敷料

collodion 火棉胶,胶棉 | collodion dressing 火棉胶敷料 | collodion electrode 胶棉电极(EEG)


collodionize 以火棉胶处理 | collodium 火棉胶 | collogue 畅谈


collodion 火棉胶 | collodium 火棉胶剂 | colloid grinder 胶体磨

collodium:火棉胶 (名)

collodion 胶棉, 火棉胶 (名) | collodium 火棉胶 (名) | colloid 胶状的, 胶质的 (形)


collodion 火棉胶 | collodionize 以火棉胶处理 | collodium 火棉

collodion process:火棉胶法,棉胶湿片法

collodion membrane ==> 火棉胶膜 | collodion process ==> 火棉胶法,棉胶湿片法 | colloform structure ==> 胶状构造