英语人>词典>汉英 : 激起...的兴趣 的英文翻译,例句
激起...的兴趣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intrigue  ·  intrigued  ·  intrigues

更多网络例句与激起...的兴趣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1863, the Football association was formed to draw up rules and promote the interests of the game


In 1863, the Football Association was formed to draw up rules and promote the interests of the game.


These stories piqued Dahl's interest in children's literature.


It was outside the tradition, and did not pique the interest of the public.


When People Fled Hyenas Oversized Hyenas May Have Delayed Human Arrival in North America But one set of bones especially intrigues Turner.

但是有一组骨头尤其激起 Turner 的兴趣。

Right now I like acting, but if something else sparks my interest, I'll do that.


It is this incident that sparked her interest in politics .


It was this incident that sparked her interest in politics.


The speaker tried to rouse the massed from their lack of interest.


In addition, my parents had emphasized on the cultivation of my talents. I have learned dancing, painting, figure skating, flute, and keyboard. These activities were not only added fun to my life, but also a great stress relief channel and rooted my aesthetic sense. Since I've been taking many talent lessons as a child, I have found interest in handcrafting as well. I would design postcards and learned to make pastry from my mother. Therefore, I enjoy delicacies.


更多网络解释与激起...的兴趣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capture the imagination of:激发...的想象力

capture the imagination of激起...的想象 | capture the imagination of激发...的想象力 | care about 关注;对...感兴趣

natural philosophy:自然哲学

在北大最后三年多(1958-1961),"自然哲学"(Natural Philosophy)是个关键词,它成了我的中心兴趣. 我对理论物理学的热爱,说到底就是迷恋"自然哲学". 能量(Energy)及其交换存在于一切自然现象(all natural phenomena)中. --这个命题在我内心又激起一个惊叹号!

there is quite a lot of her:她块头真够大

23.work up激起兴趣 | 25.there is quite a lot of her她块头真够大 | 26.Time to face the music(1,为自己的行为负责. 2,勇敢的面对,常用结构)

rocket plane:火箭飞机

这艘火箭飞机(rocket plane)可能会激起人们对商业太空飞行的兴趣,因此甚至在它飞离地面之前,就可以实现自己的一些目标. 预计届时将有多达25万人光临这片位于洛杉矶东北方100英里的偏远地区,因此有人将这一事件称为太空爱好者的"伍德斯托克音乐节".


如果论理和结果先是"令人惊讶"(surprising),而后"激起共鸣"(resonant),进而又使人感到"意料之外,情理之中",便会引起较多读者的兴趣. 经济学的博士毕业生可以同时在学术和非学术市场上求职. 但是,指导教授总是希望最优秀的博士生去学术界工作,

It intrigued Roberts:那激起了罗伯茨的兴趣

What I told you before about saying please was true.|而我之前和你说的 关于"拜托"是... | It intrigued Roberts...|那激起了罗伯茨的兴趣... | as did my description of your beauty.|特别是当我向 他描述你的美...

political intrigues:政治阴谋

intrigue n.阴谋v.密谋,私通;激起...的兴趣;诡计取得 大纲新增词汇 | political intrigues政治阴谋 | The news intrigued all of us.这条新闻引起了我们大家的兴趣.

His success reverberated through all Asia:他的成功传遍整个亚洲

asia n.亚洲 | His success reverberated through all Asia. 他的成功传遍整个亚洲. | intrigue n.阴谋, 密谋; 诡计;(常与with连用)密谋;策划阴谋;激起...兴趣

earning power:盈利能力

如果你拿新阿姆斯特丹意外险保险公司(New Amsterdam Casualty Company)和美国忠实担保公司(United States Fidelity我想,我得以至少能够激起全班同学的两位成员兴趣的东西来开始我的话题,那么就以盈利能力( Earning Power)这一术语的定义来开

Orthodox Church:(正教会)

来表达基督教信仰的真实意义,在十、十一世纪间,创造了沿用至今的「订婚仪式」与「加冕仪式」. 这堂课的宗旨,是要指出新教(Protestantism)和正教(Orthodoxy)之间的某些差异,目的是要激起那些不太熟悉正教会(Orthodox Church)的新教徒的兴趣.