英语人>词典>汉英 : 激烈辩论的 的英文翻译,例句
激烈辩论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与激烈辩论的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cause, though, is a subject of hot debate.


I mean, it would be difficult for a cameraman to be in a room where a board is having a heated debate.


It is also the centre of a fierce debate about the future direction of conservatism.


However the exact relationship of the term Ahhiyawa to the Achaeans beyond a similarity in pronunciation is hotly debated by scholars, even following the discovery that Mycenaean Linear B is an early form of Greek; the earlier debate was summed up in 1984 by Hans G.


It was regrettable that such great issues had to be the thrust and parry of a general election.


However, there are a few highly debated examples which serve to illustrate partial characteristics of a police state's structure.


After a year of bitter debate in Congress, and a vote to approve a bill by a razor-thin margin in the House of Representatives, Barack Obama finally got to sign a health-care reform act into law.


This, then, is unquestionably an issue for frank and intense discussion.


After weeks of wrangling among the three different House committees with partial jurisdiction over the matter, the House has pipped the Senate to the post.


The two sides have traded volleys over State Street's counterclaims.


更多网络解释与激烈辩论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a hot debate:一场激烈的辩论

The police are hot on the rail of the robbers.警察对抢劫犯紧追不舍. | a hot debate 一场激烈的辩论 | a hot potato 难题,棘手的问题

They debated heatedly on whether college students should do part-time jobs or not:他们就大学生应不应该打零工进行了激烈的辩论

4.to debate on... 关于......进行辩... | They debated heatedly on whether college students should do part-time jobs or not. 他们就大学生应不应该打零工进行了激烈的辩论. | 5. to make request for 要求.......

in the heat of:在(辩论)最激烈的时候

in the future 将来 | in the heat of 在(辩论)最激烈的时候 | in the interest of 为了...的利益,为了

social security system:社会保障制度

在美国,围绕著改革由政府拨款的退休人员社会保障制度(Social Security System)而展开的激烈辩论已持续多年. 其中一种观点主张保持现有制度,只进行一些小调整,例如将享受全部退休福利的年龄和最低退休年龄从65岁和62岁分别提高到67岁和64岁.


经过激烈辩论,1789年9月25日美国国会最终通过"修正案 "(Amendments)的方式,把 10条有关公民基本权利和自由的权利法案补入联邦宪法,即后来的<<权利法案>>.


该剧描写的主要是纽约市的一组侦探(detectives)调查命案的故事. 通常,在侦查结束(investigation of the crime)后,案件会被转移到公诉方(the prosecution),有时会有激烈的法庭辩论. 该片很受观众欢迎.

all fours:动物的四足(也是小生不会忘记的词,来自与《我想要凯蒂>

51.thor托尔,北欧神话中的雷神 | 52.all fours动物的四足(也是小生不会忘记的词,来自与<<我想要凯蒂>>) | 53.lively debate激烈的辩论

a hot potato:难题,棘手的问题

a hot debate 一场激烈的辩论 | a hot potato 难题,棘手的问题 | A hot potato is hard to cool.(谚)处理棘手的问题不容易保持头脑冷静.