英语人>词典>汉英 : 激励物 的英文翻译,例句
激励物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
goad  ·  incitement  ·  goaded  ·  goading  ·  goads  ·  incitements  ·  stimulants

更多网络例句与激励物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At first the energy of the microwave will energized the argon to be ionization, and the generated heat make the sulfur volatilizing into bivalency sulfur or dipolymer sulfur high pressure steam. The molecule transition will happen under the microwave energization, and the visible light will be emitted when the sulfur states change into the low energy level. The spectra of the plasma lamp is nearly centering at the visible lights, and there are very little ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, the Fig 3 shows the spectra of the sun and the plasma lamp from which we can see the spectrum character clearly.


They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love, and to long life.


The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land; nor, even in the full career of his reckless life, was he regarded as a personage with whom it was disreputable to traffic, or casually associate.


CANON IV.-If any one saith, that man's free will moved and excited by God, by assenting to God exciting and calling, nowise co-operates towards disposing and preparing itself for obtaining the grace of Justification; that it cannot refuse its consent, if it would, but that, as something inanimate, it does nothing whatever and is merely passive; let him be anathema.

典章四 谁若说,人之自由意志,受到天主的感动和激励之后,对那激励他,呼召他的天主,不能以&同意&来予以合作准备自己,以获得成义的恩宠,而且,即使他意,他也不能不予以同意;那时人,好像一个无灵之物,完全无所为,干脆地,自处于被动的状态中,那么,这种人,应予以绝罚。

Anshan Tongfang ocote Electronics Co., adhering to the "self-improvement, tenet" of the humanistic spirit, the words "commitment to explore, beyond the" and "loyalty, responsibility and value equivalence" established for the same side of the essence of corporate culture to continuously explore the modernization of business management model and talent incentive mechanism.


更多网络解释与激励物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

propellant actuated exactor:激励发射药的激化装置

propargylic acid 炔丙酸,丙炔酸 | propellant actuated exactor 激励发射药的激化装置 | propellant additive 推进剂添加物


excited /兴奋的/激昂的/ | excitedly /勃然/兴奋地/ | excitement /刺激/鼓舞/兴奋/奋起/刺激物/激励物/

give sth a fillip:刺激某物

give sb a fillip 激励某人 | give sth a fillip 刺激某物 | give sb lip 对某人无礼

give sb a fillip:激励某人

clip sb round the ear 打某人耳光 | give sb a fillip 激励某人 | give sth a fillip 刺激某物

go without saying:不言而喻,理所当然

go without sth在缺少...的情况下勉强对付 | go without saying 不言而喻,理所当然 | goadn.刺棒,刺痛物;激励 vt.激励,刺激

impel im:加强意义 推动,激励

compeller er者 强迫他人者,驱使别人者 | impel im加强意义 推动,激励 | impeller er表示人或物 推动者,推动器

inciting:刺激的; 煽动的 (形)

incitement 刺激; 激励物 (名) | inciting 刺激的; 煽动的 (形) | incivility 不文明, 无礼貌 (名)


whereas 而 | wherefore 理由 | whet 研磨;激励;刺激物;刺激


whet 研磨;激励;刺激物;刺激 | whetstone 磨刀石;油石 | whey 乳清


vitagonist /维生素拮抗物/ | vitalise /赋予生命/激励/ | vitalism /活力论/生机说/