英语人>词典>汉英 : 澡盆 的英文翻译,例句
澡盆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
baths  ·  bathtubs

更多网络例句与澡盆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It seemed to her a ridiculous armada of tubs jostling in futility .


HG01HG02HG03HG04HG05HG06HG07HG08HG09HG10HG11HG12 of cesspool of come or flow together of ash-bin of the basin that wash a foot


I don't like showers. I prefer to take a bath in the bathtub.


I do not like showers. I prefer to take a bath in the bathtub .


Some of the characters gaze at a traffic jam or watch each other; all of this appears in the paintings, hinting at the fretfulness in life and a desire for some kind of mercy. Wang Nanfei put herself above the street, viewed what happened below and hints at what is to come; she creates a new point of view, while at the same time facing everything that involves her, because she is a part of this environment too; she must sink or swim in the same pool of fortune with everyone else.


Contact us to our sales department for Exclusive Range of . Copper sinks, Copper Vessel sink, Copper kitchen sink, Copper Bathtub, Cast Bronze sink, cast Bronze Vessel sink, Cast Bronze Kitchen sink, Cast Bronze Bathtub, Brass sink, Stainless steel sink, Stone sink/ bathtub, Glass wash basin, wooden sink , Bird bath, Copper Mail Box, Copper range Hood, Copper Fire Palace, Copper Photo Frame. Mirror Frame,Switch Plate, Rugs, Bronze Resigeter, Candle stand, Table lamp, Hurricane Lamp, Lantern, Candle Holder, Coffee table, Table ware, E.P.N.


Do you know where I can get all—cotton tub mats?


Warrior, when she was launched in 1860, even had hot baths for the off-duty stokers to scrub down, and a ship's laundry, with hand-turned washing machines, and drying areas by the hot funnel shafts.......


Aegean Hot Tubs - Leading supplier of hot tubs, garden spas, gazebos and enclosures in UK and Europe with the latest hot tub technology, advanced spa shell designs, highest hydrotherapy quality, best hot tub prices.


When he went back to the truck for the cameras, she took her beer and went upstairs, noted that he had cleaned the tub, and then ran a high, warm bath for herself, settling in with her glass on the floor beside her while she shaved and soaped.


更多网络解释与澡盆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bath tub:澡盆

气温调节制temperature adjuster | 澡盆bath tub | 脸盆wash basin

bath tub:浴盆澡盆

bath tub 浴盆 | bath tub 浴盆澡盆 | bath tub 澡盆


这种范围的仪器通常能分析和生成眼图(Eye-Diagram)、误码率"澡盆"(bathtub)曲线图、进行抖动分析和捕获各种跃迁瞬间. 高速千兆位互连必然会成为今后芯片间(chip-to-chip)、电路板间(board-to-board) 或设备间(box-to-box) 通信的发展方向.

bathtub curve:澡盆曲线

若将一个电子元件或一个电子组装产品的故障率(Failure Rate)绘出,可得到如图一的澡盆曲线(Bathtub Curve). 此曲线可分为3个阶段. 第1个阶段为早夭期(Infant Mortality). 环境应力筛选测试(Environmental Stress Screening;

On my search for Cody,|I bump into my hot tub buddies again:在我去找科迪的路上我又遇到了|把我放在澡盆里的伙计们

So get this.|听听这个故事 | On my search for Cody,|I bump into my hot tub buddies again.|在我去找科迪的路上我又遇到了|把我放在澡盆里的伙计们 | I get it. You guys look hungry.|我知道了 你们饿了吧

wash tub:洗澡盆

wash trough 洗涤池 | wash tub 洗澡盆 | wash water pump 洗涤水泵



the hot washtub and closed his eyes. "It's:熱的澡盆而且關閉他的眼睛. "它是

"Mmmm...." Jinpei hummed as he slid into / "Mmmm...." Jin... | the hot washtub and closed his eyes. "It's / 熱的澡盆而且關閉他的眼睛. "它是 | good to have a hot bath after so long Ryu." / 在有一次熱的...

Vats, wooden:大桶、澡盆,木制的

Drums, wooden 鼓形圆桶,木制的 | Vats, wooden 大桶、澡盆,木制的 | Tubs and baths, wooden 木质浴缸

he can plug a toaster in and wait 'till daddy's nice and warm:接通烤箱的电源,等到爸爸在澡盆里温暖舒适时

He can draw a hot bath. 他能画一个热气腾腾的澡盆 | He can plug a toaster in and wait 'till daddy's nice and warm 接通烤箱的电源,等到爸爸在澡盆里温暖舒适时 | And toss it in. 再把它丢进去