英语人>词典>汉英 : 澎湃的 的英文翻译,例句
澎湃的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
insurgent  ·  surgent

更多网络例句与澎湃的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He's the kind of guy who burns inside.


And of course, my red-hot smoking wife, Carley...


I can but rush to the surf and let it drench me and freeze upon me.


We came to this passionate world in the 1960s.


In fact many of our friends have heard about this product and ordered samples for experiencing its power and further testing.


As long as you have a seashell , you can always hear the roaring ocean waves!


When he played the surging waves of the performance of Pentium, the Woodman said: nice!


We crank it up and roll into Belgiums capital on the humongous wave of riffs that is Led Zep II.

澎湃的Led Zep II 即兴重复段伴奏声中,我们驶入了比利时首都。

When Boya played a piece of music eulogizing the high mountains,the woodcutter said,wonderful!


Acting like a slow strip tease of affection, this message of love is only fully revealed after you have consume


更多网络解释与澎湃的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

feeling the broad-minded sea:感受着宽广的胸怀

呼吸着清新的空气 Breathing the fresh air | 感受着宽广的胸怀 feeling the broad-minded sea | 放纵着澎湃的思绪 loosing our excited thought

Always be surging excitedly:總在動人地澎湃 洶涌

如瀑的黑發 Black hair like waterfall | 總在動人地澎湃 洶涌 Always be surging excitedly | 以此生之骨髓的顏色 Enter into bright and clever and soul eyes deeply

Your hair is like meadow grass on the tide:你的发丝如同潮水中的水草澎湃

There's a wreck of a ship 那儿有条破船 | Your hair is like meadow grass on the tide 你的发丝如同潮水中的水草澎湃 | And the raindrops on my window 如同落在我窗子上的雨滴

Surge up:没有波涛的,风平浪静的

1184surgen. 巨涌,汹涌,澎湃; v. 汹涌,澎湃 | 1185surge up没有波涛的,风平浪静的 | 1186surmisen. 推测; v. 推测,臆测


He loves her?|他喜欢她? | Vigorously.|激情澎湃的爱 | But she's beneath him.|她配不上他

Waving:如何 澎湃的意思 ....波浪 澎湃激扬的样子

wendy--温迪-[威尔士语]白眉毛的 | zoe--佐伊-[希腊语]生命 | waving 如何 澎湃的意思 ....波浪 澎湃激扬的样子


non inverting input 同相输入, 不倒相输入 | surgent 澎湃的,汹涌的 | without reference to 不论, 与...无关


Spend消耗、用尽 | Surgent、澎湃的、汹涌的 | Surge巨涌、澎湃、汹涌

imagining our crazy future:想象着疯狂的未来

放纵着澎湃的思绪 loosing our excited thought | 想象着疯狂的未来 imagining our crazy future | 为什么不留下来 Why not stay here

Your running made the lakes surging and weltering:你的奔跑使尕海澎湃汹涌

踏翻脆弱的灌木和花丛. And treading over the frail shrubs a... | 你的奔跑使尕海澎湃汹涌, Your running made the lakes surging and weltering | 泥沙俱下,鱼虾惶恐. Mud and sand are carried along; fish and...