英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮汐能 的英文翻译,例句
潮汐能 的英文翻译、例句


tidal energy · tidal power
更多网络例句与潮汐能相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the report, tide of world head stage can the dynamo will be in England 24 days Si Telan Fu Dewan installs perch.


The deal will eventually create Europe's biggest operator of offshore-wind energy ; both companies are big in renewable and clean energy, including solar and tidal power.


Although this place is not everywhere, but Britain's Strangford Lough is one of the appropriate site to develop tidal energy.

虽然这样的场所并不是到处都有,但是英国的Strangford Lough 恰恰是适宜开发潮汐能的站址之一。

Moreover, they are completely reliable, since tidal power comes from the constant pull of the Moon which tugs the tide up or down every 12 hours.

此外,它们是完全可靠的,因为潮汐能来自月球恒定的引力,月球每 12 小时吸引潮水涨或落一次。

In a tidal energy setting, this advantage becomes even more pronounced since all maintenance activities typically occur within a 15 to 30 minute slack tide (the period during which the current reverses direction).


Like wind turbines, but powered by the flow of water instead of the flow of air, tidal power turbines transform tides or deep ocean currents into electricity.


You want to use the powerful tidal energy, which means you have to overcome numerous difficulties.


Tidal energy can be an excellent source of energy.


Also,the tide will not change as development and utilization of tidal energy.


The advantage of tidal energy is it is extremely reliable and predictable.


更多网络解释与潮汐能相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tidal Power Generation:潮汐能发电

潮汐能|tidal energy | 潮汐能发电|tidal power generation | 潮汐通道|tidal channel

Tidal Power Generation:潮汐发电,潮汐能发电

tidal power 潮汐功率 | tidal power generation 潮汐发电,潮汐能发电 | tidal power station 潮汐电站

proven reserves:探明可采储量

tidal power 潮汐能 | proven reserves 探明可采储量 | oil shale 油页岩


位于布列塔尼地区圣马洛(Saint-Malo)附近的拉朗斯(Rance)潮汐电站是世界最热门的工业景点之一,每年吸引约30万游客. 电站由法国电力公司(EDF)经营,利用最主要可再生能源--潮汐能发电,年发电量约为5亿千瓦时. 这里的一切都相当巨大.

Thermal sea power:海洋热能

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ocean thermology:海洋热学

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Tidal energy:潮汐能

其它常见的可再生能源还有风能、生物质能、地热能、潮汐能(tidal energy)、海洋能和水能等. 不过,这个分类不是绝对的,比如说,生物质能一般被认为是可再生能源,但如果因为发电而乱砍乱伐木材, 这种情况下的生物质能就不能被归类为可再生能源.

Tidal Energy Harvesting:潮汐能收集

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tidal energy resource:潮汐能资源

tidal energy 潮汐能 | tidal energy resource 潮汐能资源 | tidal force 潮汐力

tidal energy, tidal power:潮汐能

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