英语人>词典>汉英 : 潜蝇科 的英文翻译,例句
潜蝇科 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Macro-invertebrate from Annelida, Mollusca and Arthropoda were found in six sections from Baihe to Zhejiang road in the Suzhou River, among which four species were from Oligochaeta, two species from Hirudinea, five species from Gastropoda, two species from Bivalvia and several species from Insecta.


Horticola , in which Compositae, Cruciferae, Laguminosae and Cucurbitaceae are the main families. It occurs seriously on lettuce, cauliflower, pea, rape and horsebean. The hosts can be divided into four types: the most fitting host, fitting host, preferable host and secondary host. The oviposition of C. horticola on 8 kinds of hosts selected was checked under microscope, which had proved the investigation of host suitability and lettuce is the favorite host.


Macro-invertebrate from Annelida, Mollusca and Arthropoda were found in six sections from Baihe to Zhejiang road in the Suzhou River, among which four species were from Oligochaeta, two species from Hirudinea, five species from Gastropoda, two species from Bivalvia and several species from Insecta.


There were 29 cultivated and 11 wild plant species under 16 families determined as its host plants and Cucurbitaceae,Solanaceae and Leguminosae were dominant.


Liriomyza trifolii is a highly polyphagous and cosmopolitan pest. According to the investigation, the host range of L. trifolii has extensive embraced more than 400 species in 25 families. Females of L.

非洲菊斑潜蝇是一种高度多食性且为世界性分布的重要农业害虫,根据统计,其寄主植物囊括了 25 科,共超过 400 种以上的记录,是潜蝇科中非常少数特殊的多食性种类。

更多网络解释与潜蝇科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"郊豕(属)\\",\\"Agriochoerus \\" | \\"丝蜻蛉科\\",\\"AGRIONIDAE\\" | \\"潜叶蝇科\\",\\"AGROMYZIDAE\\"

Agromyza pahaseoli Coquilleet:豆秆蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科植物. ]

agrometeorology 农业气象学 | Agromyza pahaseoli Coquilleet.豆秆蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科植物. ] | Agromyza pusilla Meigen.豆潜蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科作物和牧草. ]

Agromyza pusilla Meigen:豆潜蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科作物和牧草. ]

Agromyza pahaseoli Coquilleet.豆秆蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科植物. ] | Agromyza pusilla Meigen.豆潜蝇[双翅目, 潜蝇科. 为害豆科作物和牧草. ] | agronomy 农学, 农艺学


葱斑潜蝇 L iriomyza chinensis(Kato)属双翅目 (Diptera)潜蝇科 (Agromyzidae) ,可危害葱、洋葱 ,是百合科蔬菜的主要害虫 [1]. 该虫主要以幼虫潜食叶片造成危害 ,另外成虫产卵器还可刺破叶片. 据作者 1 995~ 1 996年在沈阳近效调查 ,


\\"丝蜻蛉科\\",\\"AGRIONIDAE\\" | \\"潜叶蝇科\\",\\"AGROMYZIDAE\\" | \\"失眠症\\",\\"agrypnia; anypnia; insomnia\\"

agrypnia; anypnia; insomnia:失眠症

\\"潜叶蝇科\\",\\"AGROMYZIDAE\\" | \\"失眠症\\",\\"agrypnia; anypnia; insomnia\\" | \\"绿瘦蛇\\",\\"Ahaetulla prasina ; Oriental Whipsnake\\"


其中最常见的寄生虫为夜蛾科(Noctuidae)、蚜虫(Aphididae)、花蓟马(Frankliniella)、潜蝇科(Agromyzidae)等害虫. 除了严格检查商业进口花卉外,海关及边境保护局也在机场出关处检查,官员呼吁民众尽可能不要携带植物及花卉入关.

Dendroctonus valens LeConte:昆虫纲鞘翅目小蠹科 红脂大小蠹

昆虫纲鞘翅目象虫科 稻水象甲* Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel | 昆虫纲鞘翅目小蠹科 红脂大小蠹 Dendroctonus valens LeConte | 昆虫纲双翅目潜蝇科 美洲斑潜蝇* Liriomyza sativae Blanchard


(6) 水蝇科 (Ephydridae) 成虫体微小至小形,黑灰色而有光泽;翅的脉序与黄潜蝇科相似,但 C 脉在前缘有 2 处折断. 幼虫纺锤形,后气门着生在管状突起上. 多数植食性,潜食水生植物的茎叶或咬食植物组织,