英语人>词典>汉英 : 潜伏的危险 的英文翻译,例句
潜伏的危险 的英文翻译、例句


a snake in the grass
更多网络例句与潜伏的危险相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is some latent danger in the dark.


His mother doesn't have to worry about the dangers which lurk on the way to school.

com 正是我弟弟的年纪。他的母亲无需担心潜伏在上学路上的危险,因为8 Tt t 8。

This is just one example of the dangers that lurk in the commercial utility system environment, but the scenarios are countless.


People interested in the above article Can Serious Danger Lurk Under The Sun On Your Tropical Vacation?


Ustekinumab is a selective immunosuppressant and may have the potential to increase the risk of infections and reactivate latent infections.


In such situation,there is a kind of great latent danger in the development of Chinese landscape constructure ,namely blindness,o .


His mother doesn't have to worry about the dangers which lurk on the way to school. There are no schools anymore. We have demolished them all, when we crushed the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority.


His mother doesn%26rsquo;t have to worry about the dangers which lurk on the way to school. There are no schools anymore. We have demolished them all, when we crushed the infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority.


Then they find themselves trapped with an even greater danger that lurks inside.


And I realize that turning my back on that love is......way more dangerous than any hypothetical criminal could ever be.


更多网络解释与潜伏的危险相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a snake in the grass:潜伏的危险

a smooth face 一副讨好面孔 | a snake in the grass 潜伏的危险 | a soldier of fortune 兵痞

He is a snake in the grass among us:他是潜伏在我们中的危险人物

93、We shouldn't put animals to sleep. 我们不应伤害动物. | 94、He is a snake in the grass among us.他是潜伏在我们中的危险人物. | 95、We should be soft with others. 我们应宽以待人.

have snakes in one's boots:潜伏的危险

14 be as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 | 15 to bring wolves into the house 引狼入室 | 16 have snakes in one's boots 潜伏的危险

ride the king's highway, baby:骑到国王大路上来,宝贝儿

on the edge of town 镇子边上潜伏着危险 | ride the king's highway, baby 骑到国王大路上来,宝贝儿 | weird scenes inside the gold mine 金矿那边正上演着不可思议的场景

ride the king's highway, baby:骑着它到国王的大路上来

on the edge of town 镇子边上潜伏着危险 | ride the king's highway, baby 骑着它到国王的大路上来,BABY | weird scenes inside the gold mine 金矿那正上演着不可思议的场景

a solar year:太阳年

494a snake in the grass潜伏的危险 | 495a solar year太阳年 | 496a soldier of fortune兵痞

a soldier of fortune:兵痞

a snake in the grass 潜伏的危险 | a soldier of fortune 兵痞 | a soldier's battle 力量的较量


将胎儿身体有计划地砍碎的技术名词是,分碎(morcellation). 这些手术都有很多潜伏的危机,如果堕胎手术是将胎儿切割或者抽吸,身体各部分必须谨慎地被重新凑合,证实整个婴儿都在子宫外,因为胎儿的任何部分如果被留在子宫里,会有感染病毒的危险.

raise snakes:引起激烈的争吵或骚动

a snake in the grass 躲在暗处的敌人、潜伏着的危险 | raise snakes 引起激烈的争吵或骚动 | sheep是单纯的动物,在关于它的英语词组中可以体现这一点.

a snow job:骗局; 为博得别人赞赏而夸夸其谈, 吹牛

9 a snake in the grass潜伏的危险; 潜伏的敌人; 阴险而伪善的朋友 | 11 a snow job骗局; 为博得别人赞赏而夸夸其谈, 吹牛 | 12 so and so 某某人; 某某某事