英语人>词典>汉英 : 漫步于 的英文翻译,例句
漫步于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
perambulate  ·  perambulated  ·  perambulates  ·  perambulating

ramble over
更多网络例句与漫步于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Caption :Stroll through a bluebell wood:Our ancient woodland is at its very finest this weekend.

描述:1 / 7 漫步于蓝铃花丛之中:本周末我们古老的林地将展示其最美的时刻。

Also stroll in the palace's beautifully landscaped Boboli Gardens.


Whether it involves simply a stroll along the banks of the Seine, time in one of her famous galleries or exploring the art of Montmartre it just seems that everything in Pairs is steeped in romance.


Just walking along the Papeete waterfront and seeing yachts from every corner of the earth moored4 here.


When I first arrived in Morocco I took a stroll down the old Medina in Rabat and ambled past traders in a crowded souks selling vegetables, spices and halal meats.


All summer I wandered the fields that were thickening every morning, every rainfall, with weeds and blossoms, with the long loops of the shimmering, and the extravagant- pale as flames they rose and fell back, replete and beautiful- that was all there was- and I too once or twice, at least, felt myself rising, my boots touching suddenly the tops of the weeds, the blue and silky air- listen, passion did it, called me forth, addled me, stripped me clean then covered me with the cloth of happiness- I think there is no other prize, only rapture the gleaming, rapture the illogical the weightless- whether it be for the perfect shapeliness of something you love- like an old German song- or of someone- or the dark floss of the earth itself, heavy and electric.


To the north side there are Drum Tower and the famous Hutong Section. Just walking inside this school you could fully enjoy the long history old culture and modern development of Being.


The sun sets on some retired meadow, where no house is visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavishes on cities, and, perchance, as it has never set before,--where there is but a solitary marsh-hawk to have his wings gilded by it, or only a masques lookout from his cabin, and there is some little black-veined brook in the midst of the marsh, just beginning to meander, winding slowly round a decaying stum We walked in so pure and bright a light, gilding the withered grass and leaves, so softly and serenely bright, I thought I had never bathed in such a golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it.


The opener "Paris" is a beautifully Hebrew sung ballad, with a dash of French, that makes you feel like you're under the Eiffel Tower or strolling along the Champs Elysees, as Naim calmly sings against a wall of strummed guitar and a haunting lap steel.

开场曲&Paris&是一支法国化的、华美的希伯来民谣,让人仿佛置身于埃菲尔铁塔之下,或者漫步于香榭里舍之上。Naim 平静的嗓音穿透了漫不经心的吉他和沉凝厚重的踏脚铁。

When you walking on the streets, or jogging along the Vltava River, or stepping on the bridges across it, you would understand the hows and whys of the city, you will find your heart beating with it.


更多网络解释与漫步于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Guildhall Art Gallery:市政厅艺廊

研究显示,当这些人漫步于伦敦市政厅艺廊(Guildhall Art Gallery)短短40分钟之后,他们都感觉压力减轻了不少. 研究人员发现,与参观前相比,参观后这些人唾液样本中包含的皮质醇压力荷尔蒙(cortisol stress hormone)减少了32%. 而在通常情况下,


再到圣苏菲亚教堂欣赏拜占庭人 ( Byzantine ) 精彩的马赛克画. 午餐后,参观大巴扎,自由购买传统工艺品. (以上描述非自费行程中所含的旅游景点)漫步于在著名的工艺品大道 - 史特拉顿 ( Stradun ),


该图谱中有五类倾向,自由意志派(Libertarian),保守派(Conservative),国家主义者(Statist),自由左派(Liberal),中间派(Centrist),你是哪种人?看看它给出的判断. 如果你经常漫步于美国首都华盛顿,很有可能会看到一些非常奇特的海报.

For the present stalks abroad:因为此刻漫步于他乡

The lacrimae rerum note. 那伤感而神奇的音符. | For the present stalks abroad 因为此刻漫步于他乡 | Like the past and its wronged again 就像过去,它一再错误的


这个城镇Juraj Mikurcik:"并非所有的叶子都是棕色......蒙茅斯(Monmouth)附近的Yat树叶开始转为金黄,漫步于恩斯福德村(Eynsford Village )和Lullingstone公园,Judy Bremner:"叶随风动,摄于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省奥索尤斯(Osoyoos)

Trail amidst the snow-clad trees, winding is the way:白雪覆盖的密林,足迹蜿蜒成路

Trail amidst the snow-clad trees, winding is the way 白雪覆盖的密林,足迹蜿蜒成路 | Sunless is the path we roam, bitter is the air we breathe 我们漫步于... | Fell is the icy blast, coming from the hills...

Sunless is the path we roam, bitter is the air we breathe:我们漫步于幽暗的小径,呼吸着刺骨的空气

Trail amidst the snow-clad trees, winding is the way 白... | Sunless is the path we roam, bitter is the air we breathe 我们漫步于幽暗的小径,呼吸着刺骨的空气 | Fell is the icy blast, coming from the hil...

but i swear in the days stil left:但是我发誓在生命剩下的日子里

and there have been some that i've broken因为之前有一些失效的承诺 | but i swear in the days stil left但是我发誓在生命剩下的日子里 | we'll walk in the fields of gold我们将漫步于这金色之地


除了推出导购员,观光局也规划五大类购物路线,分别是高档(Chic)、新潮(Trendy)、浪漫(Romantic)、创意(Creative)与独特(Original). 高档路线纳入精品区、高级酒吧、五星级饭店与博物馆,让游客漫步于圣日耳曼大街、罗浮宫及香榭丽舍大道.