英语人>词典>汉英 : 漏网 的英文翻译,例句
漏网 的英文翻译、例句


escape unpunished · escape from the net · slip through the net
更多网络例句与漏网相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet the grouse, although it may swoop and jink to avoid a peppering of pellets, is far from the swiftest bird that might beat a retreat from the shotguns.


Give the immune system a break from that life-or-death battle, and it might be better able to do the surveillance work of corralling stray cells that escape the initial treatment.


They had heard much of me indeed, and often expected me there, but I always got off, though many times in the extremest danger.


Using Stasis Shield with this strategy is also a good idea, as it will give your Devourers some time to get repaired while still killing off the stray Scorpions that didn't get caught with the support power.


When bacteria do enter the body, inflammation occurs. Many phagocytes come and ingest the germs.


Due to the inherent calcined soil, which makes the solid-ink printing with fast can reduce toner consumption, accelerate the printing speed, Also calcined kaolin-thickness and in a flexible and more suitable for printed, in gravure printing easily slipping through the net and dot defects. 1250 Head of the calcined kaolin paper filler can replace the titanium dioxide to reduce production costs.


更多网络解释与漏网相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


nail-hole 钉孔[罐] | nannoplankton 微细浮游生物;漏网性浮游生物 | narce 青贝;真珠层


4. face off 对抗,斗争 | 5. remnants 残余力量,残余分子 | 6. fugitive 在逃的,漏网

Get this. Dick will want it for the Bloopers show:拍下来当漏网镜头用

You get up there and do that again, exactly like that.|不用,你们上去照样再跳一... | Get this. Dick will want it for the Bloopers show.|拍下来当漏网镜头用 | All right, cut! Listen up, everyone!|卡. 全体注...

collision mat:堵漏网垫

collision ball apparatus 碰击仪 | collision mat 堵漏网垫 | collision warning equipment 碰撞警告器