英语人>词典>汉英 : 漏做 的英文翻译,例句
漏做 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
neglect  ·  neglecting  ·  neglects

更多网络例句与漏做相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main circuit of the direct voltage type SVC consists of the autotransformer with average voltage, fixed branch which can compensate the reactive power and filter the harmonic, dynamic branch which can compensate the reactive power and filter the harmonic, capacitive AC thyristor no contact switch and the measuring and controlling system of


Shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores; yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for ornament.


We reviewed all skin lesions in all HIV patients diagnosed in our department between 1990 and 1998 to document the spectrum of skin manifestations, the frequency of each disorder, and their relationship with CD4 counts. A total of 64 HIV patients were studied, including 38 with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome CD4 200 x 10(6 cells/L and 26 who had not developed AIDS. There were 142 episodes of skin conditions representing 25 different skin diseases, including oral candidiasis (15% in non-AIDS vs 71% in AIDS patients), drug eruptions, herpes simplex, seborrheic dermatitis, dermatophytosis, herpes zoster, secondary syphilis, condyloma acuminatum, Kaposi's sarcoma (16% among AIDS patients), hairy leukoplakia, and molluscum contagiosum (13% among AIDS patients), in decreasing order.

我们回顾自 1990 年到 1998 年人类免疫不全病毒感染患者在本院皮肤科的诊断,归纳整理各种皮肤疾病发生的机率及与 CD4 数值间的关系。64 位人类免疫不全病毒感染患者,包括 38 位爱滋病患者(CD4 200 x 10(6) cells/L)及 26 位非爱滋病患者,共有 142 种皮肤症状,分属於 25 种不同种类的皮肤疾病,依发生率的高低,包括口腔的白色念珠菌感染(非爱滋病患者:15%;爱滋病患者:71%)、药物疹、单纯疹、脂漏性皮肤炎、皮癣菌感染、带状疱疹、二期梅毒、尖圭湿疣、卡波西氏肉瘤(爱滋病患者:16%)、毛状黏膜白斑、传染性软疣(爱滋病患者:13%);并针对较特殊的病例做一介绍,如疣状的单纯疱疹病毒感染、临床表现像尖圭湿疣的传染性软疣感染及与爱滋病相关的色素性红皮症。

A leaky roof, basement or unprotected foundation can cost thousands of dollars worth of damage and significantly decrease Do It Yourself Repair on Kenmore Dryer a homes value.


Speaking before the House International Relations Committee, the Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, Maura Hardy, said much has been done to reform a visa screening and processing system that allowed 19 hijackers from the September 11 attacks to enter the United States with little or no scrutiny.


When all the tasks are done, either the MMF is done or the team has forgotten something.


If suspect for the penis vein leaks, can do narceine experiment and art of radiography of phallic sponge body to be diagnosed in order to assist.


That's why chefs are trained to remove the insides of the puffer fish before they give it to customers .


One was that research objects were ruleless and dishevelled. Another was that research target was reducing Ommission Error of change parcel. The Distance Discriminate Analysis was meliorated in the paper to get better recognizing effect. One was turning the question of change parcel to the question of standard land type. Another was making strict regulation. This improved Distance Discriminate Analysis is not only visual and briefness, but also easy operational.


Naughty, uneasy, deaf to others' words, always forgetting or losing things, timid, intent to importunate, particular about food, intent to cry, sucking or biting fingers, mislaying character components, even ignorant about the characters, forgetful, ignorant about calculation, writing numbers or characters upside down, mislining, scatterbrained, and restless in class.


更多网络解释与漏做相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alternately alternatelyadv:交替地, 隔一个地

garment n.衣服, 外衣, 外表 | alternately alternatelyadv.交替地, 隔一个地 | neglecting vt.忽视, 疏忽, 漏做n.忽视, 疏忽, 漏做



missing part:漏做动作

medium errors 中等错误 | missing part 漏做动作 | one-arm handstand 单臂倒立

run after sb:追踪某人

be after 追求,讲 | run after sb 追踪某人 | 31.neglect vt.忽视,漏做

turfy:草皮的, 用草皮做的, 泥炭的, 赛马的

stop riveting 消除铆接漏缝, 排除铆接的不紧密性 | turfy 草皮的, 用草皮做的, 泥炭的, 赛马的 | bending radius 弯曲半径


按浆膜腔积液性质和病因,一般分为漏出液(transudate)和渗出液(exudate). (二)鉴别浆膜腔液性质 判断是渗出液还是漏出液. 有时临床发现有的病例在做检验时,有些项目像渗出液,而另一些项目像漏出液,难以判定. 近年来有学者提出了"中间型积液"的新认识,

Whispers And Moans:性工作者十日談

而在邱礼涛执导的<<性工作者十日谈>>(Whispers And Moans)中,我们更看到本地稀有的「跨性别」(trans-gender)人士性工作者. 编剧杨漪珊曾做过相应的田野工作(Field Work),在她笔下的性服务行业与性工作者尽管仍有错漏,但算是有一定真确性.

Can't have it leakin'|on the parishioners:不能让雨水漏到教友身上

Just a little repair work on the roof.|只是屋顶需要修理一... | Can't have it leakin'|on the parishioners.|不能让雨水漏到教友身上 | Hmm, well, that's good,|you've got a roofing business.|很好,你做修屋顶的...