英语人>词典>汉英 : 漏下 的英文翻译,例句
漏下 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与漏下相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He could play music in heartsease without revealing any feeling of fidget.


Even paradise have rusty sheet iron housetop to make water, but you seems can protect me in all my life.


bleeding, including the non-organic function of uterine bleeding, also includes a period of abnormal menstrual bleeding and menstrual bleeding outside, such as birth control at the central bleeding, uterine fibroids caused by bleeding the mother of medicine that "metrorrhagia" light, known as "lou xia", that are heavy "in the collapse."


Even paradise also have the rust and make water sheet iron , but you seems can protect me all my life.


There are rusty sheet iron houses in the heaven,which leak when it rains,however, as if you can protect me forever.

freedom_love 天堂都有生锈的铁皮屋顶,会漏下雨水,而你仿佛能够终生保护我。

Even in the heaven, there are rusty roofs of the sheet iron which will leak water; However, you seem to be capable of protecting me all my life.


When ALDC is used, diacetyl cannot come into being, thus it can leave out the course of diacetyl being deoxidized to Acetoin and shorten the fermentation cycle, heighten the beer output, reduce the cost.


Corporate recruiters say you'd be surprised at how many candidates leave out important facts, such as the names and locations of companies where they've worked, or include too much information, like the candidate who asterisked her dates of employment with the caveat: Please do not misconstrue the fact that I have had 12 jobs in six years as job-hopping...


While I reminisced about my fond journeys through Tamriel and the myths and legends I had heard, I began to examine and collect the valid information I had gathered, piecing together what truths, if any could be labeled as such, I had been the receptacle of.


The branches laced across overhead, almost shutting out the sky and letting through little moving spangles and sequins of sunlight, so that everything was dappled with gold and silver.


更多网络解释与漏下相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sink 下凹 | Hickey 漏漆 | labels and logos 贴纸与商标

Off state Leakage Current:(截止状态下漏电流)

11. Solid-state complementary dc switch 固态互补性直流开关 | 14. OFF-state leakage current 截止状态下漏电流 | 15. ON-state saturation voltage 导通状态下电压降


目的: 此项检验是用来测量脑下腺(pituitary)激素之含量,其 作用主要是用来促进乳腺并维持泌乳,尤其是病人有月 经停止,乳房有奶状分泌物以及不孕时. ◎诊断并处理会分泌激乳素之脑下腺肿瘤 ◎评估乳漏以及月经停止之状况 ◎男性病人而言,可以用来评估阳萎、男性女乳症以及 生殖腺功能过低


如此将可对贴装零件脚之填锡补锡大有帮助,并可减少背风坡处的"漏焊"(Skipping)现象. 当然在双波的先强劲与后温柔的不同作用下,整体焊锡性也将会更好. (2)当板面进入锡波中心处的"传热区"(Heat Transfer Region)时,在大量热能的推动下,


counterdie 下模 | counterdrain 漏水渠 | counterdrain 副阴沟

dacryocystitis with pyorrhea:大眦脓漏

大肉陷下 obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy | 大眦脓漏 dacryocystitis with pyorrhea | 大气疗法 aerotherapy


漏隙云perlucidus | 漏下metrostaxis | 漏泄inleakage

metrostaxis:子宫渗血 漏下

metroscopy 子宫镜检查 | metrostaxis 子宫渗血 漏下 | metrostenosis 子宫狭窄

Let the cat out of the bag:放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴)

let sleeping dogs lie 别惊动睡着的狗(别无事生非,过去的事不要再提) | let the cat out of the bag 放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴) | light a fire under your butt 在屁股下点一把火(促其行动)

Drips great noise:从顶棚上漏下巨大的嘈杂声

Drips great noise 从顶棚上漏下巨大的嘈杂声 | There's a pool 有一个池塘 | And when I'm swimming in 每当我在其中游泳