英语人>词典>汉英 : 漂泊的 的英文翻译,例句
漂泊的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adrift  ·  vagabond  ·  vagrant  ·  anchorless  ·  vagrom  ·  vagabonded  ·  vagabonding  ·  vagabonds

更多网络例句与漂泊的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Living lives of vagrancy most of the time due to tyranny and abjection, the Jews were always able to stand up and make money again.


One that drifts, especially a person who moves aimlessly from place to place or from job to job.


The earth, destine to belong to drift on water of you.


But I always cannot draw the feeling which they drifts.


Esmeralda is one of those wandering people who live in tents and move about from place to place.


Perhaps, just like an itch drifting in and out of memory.


We will eventually become ancestors too, but where is the last stop of our own nomadic life?


Rarr;I believe he could not free himself from his wandering ways because the sound of the outward-bound train kept reminding him to go away.


Ruth: And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?


Artists,thinkers and bohemians have long fueled the vibrancy of the world's great cities.


更多网络解释与漂泊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Drifts decoy, return:漂泊的游子,未曾归来

抚慰父母沧桑的容颜 Comforts the parents vicissitudes appearance | 熟悉的村庄,夜夜静谧 The familiar village, is quiet every night | 漂泊的游子,未曾归来...... Drifts decoy, return ......


erosion-resisting 抗腐蚀的 | errant 漂泊的 | errata locator 误符定位子

errant: a.1:漫游的,漂泊的 2.偏离正道的,迷途的 3.犯错误的,不正确的,离格的

be portrayed as: v.描绘成...,描写成...,描述成... | errant: a.1.漫游的,漂泊的 2.偏离正道的,迷途的 3.犯错误的,不正确的,离格的 | depraved: a.堕落的,腐化的,道德败坏的

Life For Rent:漂泊的心

最近她刚刚宣布将在今年8月25日,在爱尔兰首都都柏林的马雷公园(Marlay Park)举行露天演唱会,作为与专辑同名的"漂泊的心"(Life For Rent)巡回演唱会的一站,界时在英国大受欢迎的纽约剪刀姐妹(Scissor Sisters)组合也将登台献艺.

vagrant: a.1:流浪(者)的,漂泊的 2.无常的,游移不定的

succeed: v.1.接着发生,接续 2.继承,继任 | vagrant: a.1.流浪(者)的,漂泊的 2.无常的,游移不定的 | impulse: n.1.推动,冲力 2.冲动,刺激

vagrant: a.1:流浪(者)的,漂泊的 2.无常的,游移不定的 vag+rant-到处走

GRE词汇指导:填空常用的单词集合之V字母 | vagrant: a.1.流浪(者)的,漂泊的 2.无常的,游移不定的 vag+rant-到处走 | vanity: n.1.自负,自大 2.虚荣(心),虚夸

vagrant: a.1:流浪的,漂泊的 2. 无常的,游移不定的 vag+rant-到处走

vagrant: a. 1. 流浪的,漂泊的 2. 无常的,游移不定的 vag+rant-到处走 | vanity: n. 1. 自负,自大 2. 虚荣,虚夸 | vegetation: n. 1. 植物生长 2. 植物,草木,植被 3. 呆板的生活

anchorless:无锚的, 漂泊的

anchorite | 隐者, 隐士 | anchorless | 无锚的, 漂泊的 | ancient rent | 过去的租金

vagrom:流浪的, 漂泊的

expressive meaning 表达的意义, 表情意义 | vagrom 流浪的, 漂泊的 | arc extinguishing 消弧, 灭弧


vagrantness /流浪/ | vagrom /流浪的/浮浪/漂泊的/ | vaguely /含糊地/暧昧地/