英语人>词典>汉英 : 滥用权力 的英文翻译,例句
滥用权力 的英文翻译、例句


abuse of power
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But they pretty much all think he was unjustly removed from office by the 2006 coup, and that the various legal cases brought against him - he was sentenced to two years in jail in absentia last year for an abuse of power - are without merit.


This in such matters as these: the visitation of all chapters within his diocese, of all monasteries which are held "in commendam,"[12] and of all "pious places," ie, places of pilgrimage, shrines, and so forth; for the examination of all dispensations sent through him, from Rome, to his subjects (and henceforth it is always to the petitioner's bishop that dispensations will be sent), of all Roman permissions to change the terms of wills; the examination and correction of all notaries, a race whose costly incompetence is frequently complained of; the correction of all secular clerics who live in his diocese, and of all regulars there who are not living within a monastery; for the summary, out- of-hand correction of notorious and defiant concubinary clerics, and for the suppression of all abuses and superstitions centering round the mass.

这个在这类问题上,因为这些:探视的所有章节,在他的教区,所有的寺庙,这是举行"在commendam ," [ 12 ] ,以及所有"虔诚地,"也就是说,地方的如火如荼之际,神殿,等等;为检查所有dispensations送往通过他,从罗马,他的科目(从此以后,它总是给信访人的主教说, dispensations将被送交),在所有的罗马权限,以改变条款遗嘱;审查和纠正一切公证员,一个种族,其昂贵的无能是频频抱怨;改正所有世俗教士住在他的教区,所有的常客,有那些不居住在一座修道院;关于总结出的第一手资料更正及恶名昭彰违抗concubinary神职人员,为制止一切滥用权力和迷信围绕群众。

Same diff. What's the good of your job if you can't abuse the power?


THAILAND, SOUTHEAST ASIA - Ex-Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, has vowed to continue his "nonviolent struggle against the government," despite being convicted of abusing his power while in office.


The writers of The Federalist Papers were concerned with the potential abuse of power, and set forth their rationale for separating the powers of the various branches of government.


In the current economic reform you are telling people to become prosperous, but some cases of graft and corruption and abuse of power have cropped up.


In the current economic reform you are tell in g people to become prosperous, but some cases of graft and corruption and abuse of power have cropped up.


For me , I have experienced some luxurious life with them for a few days , which is a good thing ,at least worthed my hard working everyday with poor earnings .


In the modern society, the primary function of the administrative law is to protect the human rights. However, Montesquieu said,"There is an experience throughout the ages that all people of power tend to abuse the power."


In one hand, the corruptive characteristic of public power and the limitation of human nature made it possible that the local administration that pursue in their own interest abuse the power.


更多网络解释与滥用权力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abstention vote:弃权票

abstain from voting 放弃投票;放弃表决 | abstention vote 弃权票 | abuse of power 滥用权力

Lord Chancellor:(英国)大法官

在英国,大法官(Lord Chancellor)拥有广泛的权力以决定是否有必要通过制定单行条例(Regulation)来对成文法的适用施加影响或防止它在司法实践中被滥用.


英国法院已有效地将所有要求应用于司法审查,但除了用"比例原则"这一措辞外,通常也用"不合理"(unreasonableness)、"非理性"(irrationality)和"滥用权力"(abuse of powers)这些术语.




与Glaeser 等(2001)将执行不足和过度执行视为仁慈(Leniency)和滥用(Abuse )不同,本文对此并不事先存有基于价值判断的定见. 我们把这种基于管制而衍生的权力,看作较为中性的管制权力外溢(Spillover ),以显公允无偏.

Public interest theory:公共利益理論

亚当斯与布兰代斯法官提出了公共利益理论(public interest theory),他们认为政府管制的目的是控制被管制的企业对价格进行垄断或者对消费者和劳工滥用权力,政府可以代表公众对市场作出一定理性计算,这一管制符合"帕累托最优"的原则,


因此,只有在极少数情况下,法院才会判决政府"放弃"(waive)了权利,或未能给予当事人 "公正通知",或必须在决定中考虑自己曾作过的建议,否则就构成滥用权力等.

a tention vote:弃权票

a tain from voting 放弃投票;放弃表决 | a tention vote 弃权票 | abuse of power 滥用权力

acceptance objected to:反对此选票获接纳;选票获接纳遭反对

abuse of power 滥用权力 | acceptance objected to 反对此选票获接纳;选票获接纳遭反对 | acceptance of office as a member 接受议员席位


1840年至1848年,亲**的保守党派领袖吉佐(Guizot)当了首相. 为了赢取大支持,他以官位为奖赏,并滥用权力乱批商业合同,以讨好资本家. **官员在国家资助的计划中投资,**答应以高息支付银行家借给**以填补巨额赤字的款项. 各种丑闻陆继涌现,