英语人>词典>汉英 : 满眼 的英文翻译,例句
满眼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
eyeful  ·  eyefuls

have one's eyes filled with
更多网络例句与满眼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you walk into shoe city, or it is to come to business mansion, wanted to sell the place of female shoe only, you can discover amazedly, no matter shoe of leather shoes, cloth still is sandal, eyeful all is thick sole.


As we marvel at afar Manshan the azalea and eyeful of the green, tour guide told us to Jinggangshan.


Baby just born there in tears in the eye socket, but from born is a crying face eyeful of tears, listening to people saying it will affect the child's eyesight, I would like to ask whether the


The warm damp balminess of spring encompassed her sweetly with the moist smells of new-plowed earth and all the fresh green things pushing up to the air.


Curious but afraid of saying that they want to touch the sharp , I panicked and looked at her only picked up the black rot, it was going heart because of her endless and empty hole grief and trembling.


She was a poor woman who worked hard with her husband at their stall in Bab al-Sharji area when the blast took them away, Suhaiylah said with tears filling in her eyes.

她是个可怜的女人,跟他老公在 Bab al-Sharji 区他们的报亭里工作,爆炸带走了他们 Suhaiylah 满眼噙着泪水说。

On the vast grazing place covered with dense green grass the buffalo are seen here and there.


The lofty tower of its City Hall overlooked the whole panorama of the streets and avenues, which cut each other at right angles, and in the midst of which appeared pleasant, verdant squares, while beyond appeared the Chinese quarter, seemingly imported from the celestial Empire in a toy-box.


Seuss classics is a "hatful," but you'd have to have a Cat-in-the-Hat-sized chapeau to contain all the treasures in this hefty book.


The technical characteristic of a pendulum drill assembly is to lose "penetration rate"in order to get"dropping angle", but sometimes a pendulum drill assembly can't meet the need of drop—off hole angle, which results in longer completion well cycle and more drilling cost.


更多网络解释与满眼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可我依然眼眶湿润,只为其中那份美好的感情 傍晚回家路上,看到满眼的翠绿,会有突如其来的冲动,要好好珍惜每一天 只因为看到泡沫剧中的某个情景,于是觉得我该放下执念 惊奇(astonishment)于,我怎么是一个如

Botanic Gardens:植物園

第七天黄金海岸-布里斯班( Gold Coast - Brisbane) 距离78公里,需1.2小时 ( Gold Coast )往布里斯班,满眼的苍绿,昆士兰州的首府,拥有和季风地区的亚洲相同的湿度,植物园(Botanic Gardens),威克姆台地(Wickham Terrace) 的旧风车,

botanical garden:植物园

还有上千家世界各地的富豪投资兴建的别墅式(Villa)酒店. 我们10天的行程共体验了五家酒店与别墅,享受着非一般尊贵与贴心的服务,爽到不想回来. 第二站:植物园(Botanical garden)是当地人常来休闲游玩的地方,满眼皆绿,能眺望到Batur火山.


eyedropper 点眼药器 | eyeful 满眼 | eyeglass 镜片


eyeful 满眼 | eyeful 一瞥见及之量 | eyeglass 镜片


eyeflap /眼罩/ | eyeful /满眼/满眶/一瞥见及之量/ | eyeglass /镜片/眼镜/

The Eyeful Red Maple Leaves:满眼霜叶红

67 幽谷含烟 / The Serene Valley | 68 满眼霜叶红 / The Eyeful Red Maple Leaves | 71 银流 / Waterfall


7. pallid adj. 无血色的;苍白的 | 8. tear-stained 满眼泪痕的 | 9. deal n. 松木;杉木

annulus top?up cementation:环空满眼注水泥

annulus test 环空试压 | annulus top?up cementation 环空满眼注水泥 | annulus unloading 环形空间卸压

Forget these wide-eyed fears:驱散满眼恐惧

No more talk of darkness 暗夜不再提起, | Forget these wide-eyed fears. 驱散满眼恐惧, | I'm here, nothing can harm you 有我,始终守护你