英语人>词典>汉英 : 滚动块 的英文翻译,例句
滚动块 的英文翻译、例句


scroll box
更多网络例句与滚动块相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, if the user drags the thumb on the horizontal scroll bar, the program will not scroll the contents of the window horizontally until the user releases the mouse button.


Advantages include thermal stability, non-wetting and elimination of inclusions from shot.· Roll Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, non-wetting, and contain no shot.· Block Caster Tip- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength and do not outgas.· Belt Caster Tips- Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength, non-wetting, and do not outgas.


Don't use this flag if you don't want a proportional scroll bar thumb.


At the bottom of the scroll bar, the thumb position is the maximum value of the range.


Windows will not change the position of the scroll bar thumb.

Windows 将不会改变滚动条滑块的位置。

A "scroll box" travels the length of the scroll bar to indicate the approximate location of the material shown on the display in relation to the entire document.


The latter is set by fine-tuning button control value, after the submission of sliding block and scroll bar will slide to the appropriate location.


Thus, the program scrolls its contents vertically in direct response to the user dragging the thumb on the vertical scroll bar.


This is considered preferable, but watch out: It is well known that when users find out a program scrolls in direct response to dragging the scroll bar thumb, they will frenetically jerk the thumb back and forth trying to bring the program to its knees.


Finished oil to slide back and forth rolling about in the guide this time to be loaded on rail times should first pay attention to when you do not install the first fixed rail, take the fixed screw fitted well to keep level in the belt and slip block is fixed, then install a good lens, dimming what avenue is finished X's whereabouts.


更多网络解释与滚动块相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brute Force:蠻力

而不是真正的用"蛮力"(brute force)严肃地去做:当地形块网格生成后,我生成了碰撞网格. 然后,我点击左键发射一个标准球,我玩了近半小时,美好的半小时. 看着它们在复杂地面上弹起,滚动十分有趣. 此次碰撞试验表现不错,


指示滚动条拥有焦点那一闪一闪的是个啥玩意儿,我怀疑是个插入符 号(Caret)吧? 这东西有个 bug,它的矩形好像是在收到 WM_SETFOCUS 时计算的. 如果滚动条在保有焦点的情况下改变大小,这个矩形和滑 块就不吻合了.

combo box:组合框

2.3 组合框(Combo Box)和列表框(List Box)使用实例2.4 滚动条(Scroll Bar)使用实例2.5 数值调节按钮(Spin)使用实例2.6 进度条(Progress)使用实例2.7 滑块控件(Slider)使用实例2.8 热键控件(Hot Key)使用实例2.11 格式文本框(Ric

Radio button skin:单选框皮肤

Push default button skin 默认下压按钮皮肤 | Radio button skin 单选框皮肤 | Scrollbar horizontal knob skin 水平滚动栏滑块皮肤

The Rolling Stone:两块滚动的大石头

上面的飞船:Led Zepplin | 两块滚动的大石头:The Rolling Stone | 左下车上的花和枪:Guns N Roses

scroll bar:滚动条

2.3 组合框(Combo Box)和列表框(List Box)使用实例2.4 滚动条(Scroll Bar)使用实例2.5 数值调节按钮(Spin)使用实例2.6 进度条(Progress)使用实例2.7 滑块控件(Slider)使用实例2.8 热键控件(Hot Key)使用实例2.11 格式文本框(RicE

scroll box:滚动块

Scroll bar 滚动条 | Scroll box 滚动块 | Scroll button 滚动按钮

Base color:滚动条的主要颜色,其中包含滚动按钮和滚动滑块

arrow-color:箭头颜色 | track-color:滑道颜色 | base-color:滚动条的主要颜色,其中包含滚动按钮和滚动滑块