英语人>词典>汉英 : 溲疏 的英文翻译,例句
溲疏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Deutzia scabra
更多网络例句与溲疏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various shrubs of the genus Deutzia, cultivated for their clusters of white or pinkish flowers.


Thirdly ,those trees had the characteristics of low water consumption and low water use efficiency,such as Deutzia parviflore, Platanus occidentalis,etc.


But cutting from bottom shoots would be better in quality, and of which the shoot and root develepment were significantly better than upper shoots, so the cuttings from middle and bottom shoots would be benefit to the propagation of Scabrous Deutzia.


In May the following shrubs flower: Deutzia, Diervilla or Wygelia, Hydrangea or Hortensia, Viburnum or Snowball, Philadelphus and White Syringa.


There were no significant different between auxin treatment and CK in the respect of cutting survival rate, but root and shoot development were improved by application of auxins, cutting plants have high quality.


更多网络解释与溲疏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


山茶属( Camellia) 的国产种类数占世界总种类数的90 %; 丁香属( Syringa) 、石楠属( Photinia) 、溲疏属( Deutzia) 、刚竹属( Phyl2 lostachys) 等其国产种类数占世界总种类数均在80 %以上,而国产种类数占世界总种类数在70 %以上的则更多,




deutoplasmtrophoplasm 滋养质 | deutzia 溲疏属植物 | deva 提婆

Deutzia scabra:溲疏

文章摘要:2001年4月至2003年11月,在南京中山植物园内调查了冬青卫矛(Euonymus japonicus)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)和溲疏(Deutzia scabra)3种树篱,以及位于不同生境的2个黄杨(Buxusmicrophyllavar.sinica)树篱中侵入生长的杂草及杂树种类,

Deutzia grandiflora:{大花溲}{大花溲疏}

Deutzia glauca {黄山溲疏} | Deutzia grandiflora {大花溲}{大花溲疏} | Deutzia Hookeriana {虎氏溲疏}

Deutzia parviflora:小花溲疏

1 大花溲疏 Deutzia grandiflora | 2 小花溲疏 Deutzia parviflora | 27 茶藨子科(醋栗科) Grossulariaceae

Deutzia parviflora:{小花}{小花溲疏}

Deutzia micrantha {碎花溲疏} | Deutzia parviflora {小花}{小花溲疏} | Deutzia purpuracens {紫花溲疏}

Deutzia Thunb:溲疏属

赤壁木 D. sinensis Oliv. | 溲疏属 Deutzia Thunb. | 异色溲疏 Deutzia discolor Hemsl.

D.discolor Hemsl Discolour Deutzia:异色溲疏

溲疏属 Deutzia Thunb Deutzia | 异色溲疏 D.discolor Hemsl Discolour Deutzia | 光萼溲疏 D.glabrata Kom Glabrous Deutzia

D.hypoglauca Rehd Whiteback Deutzia:粉背溲疏

大花溲疏 D.grandiflora Bunge Largeflower Deutzia | 李叶溲疏 D.hamata Koehne Hooked Deutzia | 粉背溲疏 D.hypoglauca Rehd Whiteback Deutzia