英语人>词典>汉英 : 游玩 的英文翻译,例句
游玩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
play  ·  played  ·  plays

go sightseeing · amuse oneself · stroll about
更多网络例句与游玩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After lunch, rest for a while, we came to play a scenic spot, wow, beautiful!


It is of course not good to work all day long.


We hung out . bill , i ' m not like an altar boy

我们经常出外游玩bill ,我不是祭品

This is a cool and unique way to amuse your friends and family!


He took his daughter to the park, Animal Kingdom.


I~ast summer he came to Shanghai and I took him to visit Pudong.


A day trip to Avila, a town near Madrid, is definitely worth a trip.


If you have the chance to have a visit in Basha Village, do you dare to have a try of haircut by sickle?


Waipu fishing port always attracts tourists from other places to do sightseeing, the tourists can take a stroll on "the wood footway planked over a cliff", enjoy beautiful ocean, and walk into the water to play. Besides, at dusk, the port will start the device of water features, which was installed in

水舞 外埔渔港每个周末都会吸引外地的游客前往游玩,游客除了可以漫步在木栈堤道,欣赏美丽的海洋,下水游玩以外,在黄昏时刻,渔港会启动设於水上的水舞装置,美丽的水舞总是会吸引游客停下脚步,坐在椅子上静静的欣赏。

Chinese travelers didn't go back to Shanghai after touring Cheju Island, South Korea for 3 days.


更多网络解释与游玩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


shintoist神道教徒 | autoist开汽车的人,驾车游玩的人 | 242.escapist 逃避现实者,逍遥者

babysit sb:游玩过程中因照顾某人而一无所得

break the seal---喝酒中途第一次去洗手间(此后一发不可收) | babysit sb---游玩过程中因照顾某人而一无所得 | clicking teeth---接吻不善而不断碰齿

have fun together:一起游玩

9. relax a bit 稍微放松一下 | 10. have fun together 一起游玩 | 11. in other ways 用别的方式

indulging in play:玩笑游玩

feeling nostalgic怀旧的 | indulging in play玩笑游玩 | enjoying youthful activities年轻的活跃


joyously 快乐地 | joyride 驾车游玩 | joyrider 兜风人

l On my way home:回家的路上~想起小时候高兴地游玩回到家,就是这种感觉

l Enya 恩雅 | l On my way home 回家的路上~想起小时候高兴地游玩回到家,就是这种感觉! | l Caribbean blue 听不清那歌唱什么...果真加勒比海有如这首歌那么飘渺和蓝调?

go outing:外出游玩

192 go on holiday 去度假 | 193 go outing 外出游玩 | 194 go over one's lesson 复习功课

playfully:好游玩地; 开玩笑地 (副)

playful 爱打趣的, 嬉戏的, 多趣的 (形) | playfully 好游玩地; 开玩笑地 (副) | playfulness 玩笑; 嬉闹 (名)


romp 顽皮女孩 | romp 游玩喧闹 | romp 活泼的游戏

Cristina:和Maria Elena|骑车去郊外游玩

One goddamned weekend in Oviedo.|奥维耶多的一个糟糕透顶的... | Cristina, Juan Antonio and Maria Elena went riding in the country.|Cristina, Juan Antonio和Maria Elena|骑车去郊外游玩 | Wait for me!|等等我...